
Wednesday, June 18, 2008

State Bank of India Clerical Cadre Recruitment Exam

State Bank of India Clerical Cadre Recruitment Exam
2008 Solved Paper (HELD ON 06-01-2008)
Quantitative Aptitude

Directions—(Q. 81–90) What should come in place of question mark (?) in the following questions ?
81. (8.2% of 365) – (1.75% of 108) = ?
(A) 16.02 (B) 28.04
(C) 42.34 (D) 53.76
(E) None of these
82. [(135)2 ÷ 15 ´ 32] ÷ ? = 45 ´ 24
(A) 18 (B) 24
(C) 36 (D) 44
(E) None of these
83. (96)2 + (63)2 = (?)2 – (111)2 – 8350
(A) 33856 (B) 30276
(C) 174 (D) 184
(E) None of these
84. 4368 + 2158 – 596 – ? = 3421 + 1262
(A) 1066 (B) 1174
(C) 1247 (D) 1387
(E) None of these
85. 2172 ÷ ? = 1832 – 956 – 514
(A) 6 (B) 8
(C) 10 (D) 12
(E) None of these
86. 666.06 + 66.60 + 0.66 + 6.06 + 6 + 60 = ?
(A) 819.56 (B) 805.38
(C) 826.44 (D) 798.62
(E) None of these
87. 15.594 – 4.312 – 3.517 – 1.689 = ?
(A) 6.706 (B) 6.760
(C) 6.670 (D) 6.607
(E) None of these
88. 205 ´ ? ´ 13 = 33625 + 25005
(A) 22 (B) 27
(C) 33 (D) 39
(E) None of these
89. 69 ÷ 3 ´ 0.85 + 14.5 – 3 = ?
(A) 36.45 (B) 23.85
(C) 42.95 (D) 18.65
(E) None of these
90. (10)24 ´ (10)– 21 = ?
(A) 3 (B) 10
(C) 100 (D) 1000
(E) None of these
Directions—(Q. 91–95) What should come in place of question mark (?) in the following number series ?
91. 12 6.5 7.5 12.75 27.5 71.25 ?
(A) 225.75 (B) 216.75
(C) 209.75 (D) 236.75
(E) 249.75
92. 16 24 36 54 81 121.5 ?
(A) 182.25 (B) 174.85
(C) 190.65 (D) 166.55
(E) 158.95
93. 12 12 18 45 180 1170 ?
(A) 13485 (B) 14675
(C) 15890 (D) 16756
(E) 12285
94. 22 23 27 36 52 77 ?
(A) 111 (B) 109
(C) 113 (D) 117
(E) 115
95. 16 14 24 66 256 1270 ?
(A) 8564 (B) 5672
(C) 4561 (D) 7608
(E) 6340
Directions—(Q. 96–100) Study the following table carefully to answer the questions that follow—
Number of Boys and Girls in Five Streams of a College Over the Years
YEAR Arts Science Commerce Management IT
Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls
2002 556 414 619 505 668 612 770 633 670 515
2003 763 608 793 612 781 616 667 439 866 722
2004 672 519 540 516 859 713 778 727 781 619
2005 809 602 928 908 870 811 849 729 977 817
2006 745 510 884 820 967 819 562 938 990 808
2007 698 413 765 616 571 515 1288 1016 1151 1010
96. What is the total number of Boys, for all the Streams together, in the year 2004 ?
(A) 4148 (B) 3630
(C) 4433 (D) 3247
(E) None of these
97. The number of Boys in Arts Stream in the year 2004 is approximately what per cent of the total number of Boys for all the years together in Arts Stream ?
(A) 27 (B) 34
(C) 08 (D) 39
(E) 16
98. What is the ratio of the total number of Boys to the total number of Girls, from all the Stream together, for the year 2007 ?
(A) 2 : 3 (B) 14 : 13
(C) 52 : 49 (D) 213 : 170
(E) None of these
99. What is the ratio of the total number of Boys to the total number of Girls in the Manage-ment Stream for all the years together ?
(A) 9 : 8 (B) 71 : 86
(C) 91 : 83 (D) 27 : 23
(E) None of these
100. What is the average number of Girls from Commerce Stream for the given years ?
(A) 681 (B) 675
(C) 618 (D) 657
(E) None of these
Directions—(Q. 101–105) What approximate value should come in place of question mark (?) in the following questions ? (You are not expected to calculate the exact value.)
101. (935.82)2 = ?
(A) 870000 (B) 867500
(C) 888800 (D) 875800
(E) 899800
102. 628.306 + 6.1325 ´ 44.0268 = ?
(A) 820 (B) 970
(C) 1050 (D) 1175
(E) 900
103. (739% of 383) ÷ 628 = ?
(A) 10.00 (B) 4.50
(C) 15.75 (D) 19.25
(E) 24.15
104. (9795 + 7621 + 938) ÷ (541 + 831 + 496) = ?
(A) 9 (B) 13
(C) 17 (D) 23
(E) 29
105. 814296 ´ 36 = ? ´ 96324
(A) 326 (B) 272
(C) 304 (D) 358
(E) 260
Directions—(Q. 106–110) Study the infor-mation carefully to answer the following questions—
In an organization consisting of 750 emp-loyees, the ratio of Males to Females is 8 : 7 respectively. All the employees work in five different departments viz. HR, Management, PR, IT and Recruitment. 16 per cent of the Females work in Management Department. 32 per cent of Males are in HR Department. One–fifth of the Females are in the Department of Recruitment. The ratio of Males to Females in the Management Department is 3 : 2 respectively. 20 per cent of the total number of employees are in PR Department. Females working in Recruitment are 50 per cent of the Males working in the same Department. 8 per cent of the Males are in IT Department. The remaining Males are in PR Department. 22 per cent of the Females work in HR Department and the remaining Females are working in IT Department.
106. What is the total number of Females working in the IT and Recruitment Department together ?
(A) 147 (B) 83
(C) 126 (D) 45
(E) None of these
107. What is the number of Females working in the HR Department ?
(A) 77 (B) 70
(C) 56 (D) 134
(E) None of these
108. Number of Males working in HR Depart-ment from approximately what per cent of total number of the employees in the Organization ?
(A) 20 (B) 28
(C) 32 (D) 9
(E) 17
109. Number of Males working in PD Department forms what per cent of the number of Females working in the same Department ? (rounded off two digits after decimal)
(A) 22.98 (B) 16.68
(C) 11.94 (D) 6.79
(E) 27.86
110. What is the total number of employees working in the Management Department ?
(A) 128 (B) 77
(C) 210 (D) 140
(E) None of these
111. The simple interest accrued on an amount of Rs. 19,800. At the end of three years is Rs. 7,128. What would be the compound interest accrued on the same amount at the same rate in the same period ?
(A) Rs. 8934.6784
(B) Rs. 8017.5744
(C) Rs. 7861.8754
(D) Cannot be determined
(E) None of these
112. If the numerator of a fraction is increased by 400% and the denominator is increased by 500%, the resultant fraction is 1021 . What was the original fraction ?
(A) 512 (B) 813
(C) 1714 (D) 47
(E) None of these
113. What is 26% of 55% of 1013 th of 6100 ?
(A) 617 (B) 681
(C) 706 (D) 734
(E) None of these
114. The ages of Aarzoo and Arnav are in the ratio of 11 : 13 respectively. After 7 years the ratio of their ages will be 20 : 23. What is the difference in years between their ages ?
(A) 4 years (B) 7 years
(C) 6 years (D) 5 years
(E) None of these
115. One-eighth of a number is 17.25. What will 73% of that number be ?
(A) 100.74 (B) 138.00
(C) 96.42 (D) 82.66
(E) None of these
Direction—(Q. 116–120) Study the graph carefully to answer the questions that follow—
Number of Girls Enrolled in Different Hobby Classes in Various Institutes in a Year
116. What is the respective ratio of total number of Girls Enrolled in Painting in the Institutes A and C together to those Enrolled in Stitching in the Institutes D and E together ?
(A) 5 : 4 (B) 5 : 7
(C) 16 : 23 (D) 9 : 8
(E) None of these
117. Number of Girls Enrolled in Stitching in Institute B forms approximately what per cent of the total number of Girls Enrolled in Stitching in all the Institutes together ?
(A) 29 (B) 21
(C) 33 (D) 37
(E) 45
118. What is the respective ratio of total number of Girls Enrolled in Painting, Stitching and Dancing from all the Institutes together ?
(A) 44 : 48 : 47 (B) 43 : 47 : 48
(C) 44 : 47 : 48 (D) 47 : 48 : 44
(E) None of these
119. Number of Girls Enrolled in Dancing in Institute A forms what per cent of total number of Girls Enrolled in all the Hobby Classes together in that Institute ? (rounded off to two digits after decimal)
(A) 23.87 (B) 17.76
(C) 31.23 (D) 33.97
(E) 20.69
120. What is the total number of Girls Enrolled in Painting from all the Institutes together ?
(A) 1150 (B) 1200
(C) 1275 (D) 1100
(E) None of these

Answers with Explanation :

81. (B) ? = (8·2% of 365) – (1·75% of 108)
= 365 ´ – 108 ´
= 29·93 – 1·89 = 28.04 Ans.
82. (C) ? = [(135)2 ÷ 15 ´ 32] ÷ (24 ´ 45)
= ÷ (1080)
= = 36 Ans.
83. (D) ?2 = (96)2 + (63)2 + (111)2 + 8350
= 9216 + 3969 + 12321 + 8350
= 33856 = (184)2
? = 184 Ans.
84. (C) ? = 4368 + 2158 – 596 – 3421 – 1262
= 6526 – 5279 = 1247 Ans.
85. (A) 2172 ÷ ? = 1832 – 956 – 514
\ ? = =
= 6 Ans.
86. (B) ? = 666·06 + 66·60 + 0·66 + 6·06
+ 6 + 60
= 805·56 Ans.
87. (E) ? = 15·594 – 4·312 – 3·517 – 1·689
= 15·594 – 9·518 = 6·076 Ans.
88. (A) ? = =
= 22 Ans.
89. (E) ? = 69 ÷ 3 ´ 0·85 + 14·5 – 3
= 23 ´ 0·85 + 14·5 – 3
= 19·55 + 14·50 – 3 = 34·05 – 3
= 31·05 Ans.
90. (D) ? = (10)24 ´ (10)– 21
= (10)24 – 21 = (10)3
= 1000 Ans.
91. (B)
92. (A)
93. (E)
94. (C)
95. (D)
96. (B) Total no. of boys for all streams in 2004
= 672 + 540 + 859 + 778 + 781
= 3630 Ans.
97. (E) Reqd. Percentage
= %
= % = 15·84%
16% (Approximate) Ans.
98. (D) Reqd. Ratio = (698 + 765 + 571 + 1288 + 1151) : (413 + 616 + 515 + 1016 + 1010)
= (4473) : (3570)
= 213 : 170 Ans.
99. (C) Reqd. Ratio = (770 + 667 + 778 + 849 + 562 + 1288) : (633 + 439 + 727 + 729 + 938 + 1016)
= (4914) : (4482)
= (91 ´ 54) : (83 ´ 54)
= 91 : 83 Ans.
100. (A) Average number of girls from Commerce Stream for the given years
= = 681 Ans.
101. (d) ? = (935·82)2 = 875759·0724
875800 (Approximate) Ans.
102. (E) ? = 628·306 + 6·1325 ´ 44·0268
628 + 6 ´ 44 628 + 264
900 (Approximate) Ans.
103. (B) ? = (739% of 383) ÷ 628
= 2830·37 ÷ 628 4·50 (Approximate)
104. (A) ? = (9795 + 7621 + 938)
÷ (541 + 831 + 496)
= (18354) ÷ (1868) = 9·825
9 (Approximate) Ans.
105. (C) ? = = 304·33
304 (Approximate) Ans.
For questions 106 to 110
The data in the following table are based on the given information for these questions—
Department Male Female Total
H.R. 400 = 128
350 ´
= 77
56 ´
= 84
350 ´
= 56
400 –
(128 + 84 + 32 + 140) = 400 – 384
= 16
150 – 16
= 134
750 ´ = 150
400 ´
= 32
350 – (77 + 56 + 134 + 70) = 350 – 337 = 13
2 ´ 70
= 140
350 ´
= 70
106. (B) Total No. of Females in I.T. and Recruit-ment Deptt. = 13 + 70 = 83 Ans.
107. (A) Number of females in H.R. Department
= 22% of 350 = ´ 350 = 77 Ans.
108. (E) Required Percentage = ´ 100%
= 17·06%
= 17% (Approximate) Ans.
109. (C) Reqd. Percentage = ´ 100%
= 11·94 Ans.
110. (D) Total number of employees in the Mana-gement = 84 + 56
= 140 Ans.
111. (B) Let the annual rate of interest = R%, Then as per question—
˙.˙ 7128 =
Þ R = = 12%
Reqd. Compound Interest
= 19800
= 19800
= 19800
= Rs. 8017·5744 Ans.
112. (d) Let the original fraction be . Then
Þ =
= = Ans.
113. (e) Given Exp. = 26% of 55% of th
of 6100
= ´ ´ ´ 6100
= 2 ´ ´ 10 ´ 61
= 11 ´ 61 = 671 Ans.
114. (c) Let the ages of Aarzoo and Arnav are 11x and 13x years
Then, as per question—
˙.˙ =
Þ 260x + 140 = 253x + 161
Þ (260 – 253)x = 161 – 140
Þ 7x = 21
x = 3
Reqd. difference in years between their ages
= 13x – 11x
= 2 ´ 3 = 6 years Ans.
115. (a) Let the required number be x.
˙.˙ ´ x = 17·25
Þ x = 17·25 ´ 8 = 138
73% of the number = ´ 138
= 100·74 Ans.
116. (c) Reqd. Ratio
= = 16 : 23 Ans.
117. (b) Reqd. Percentage
= %
= % = 20·83% 21% (app.) Ans.
118. (a) Reqd. Ratio
= (Girls Enrolled in Painting) :
(Stitching) : (Pancing)
= (250 + 225 + 150 + 175 + 300) : (325 + 250 + 50 + 250 + 325) : (150 + 200 + 75 + 400 + 350)
= (1100) : (1200) : (1175)
= 44 : 48 : 47 Ans.
119. (e) Reqd. Percentage = %
= % = 20·689%
20·69% Ans.
120. (d) Total number of girls enrolled in Painting from all the institutes
= 250 + 225 + 150 + 175 + 300
= 1100 Ans.

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