
Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Everything you wanted to know about swine flu

The spread of swine flu is fast emerging as No 1 healthcare emergency not just in the country but the world over. Despite the issue being in the media for a long time, there continue to be ignorance and mis-information about the disease and how to handle it. Indian Medical Association, Nagpur Centre, has come up with a information dossier on the subject. We reproduce it here for the benefit of our readers.
What is H1N1 (swine) flu?
H1N1 (referred to as "swine flu" early on) is a new influenza virus causing illness in people. This new virus was first detected in people in the United States in April 2009. Other countries, including Mexico and Canada, have also reported people sick with this new virus. This virus is spreading from person-to-person, probably in much the same way that regular seasonal influenza viruses spread.

In late March and early April 2009, cases of human infection with swine influenza A (H1N1) viruses were first reported in Southern California and near San Antonio, Texas.

In the beginning it was difficult to predict the effect of this virus on general population. In seasonal flu, there are certain people who are at higher risk of serious flu-related complications. This includes people with 65 years of more age, children below five years, pregnant women, and people of any age with chronic medical conditions.

This virus is contagious but, at this time, it not known how easily the virus spreads between people. The symptoms of H1N1 swine flu in people are similar to the symptoms of regular human flu and include fever, cough, sore throat, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue. Some people have reported diarrhoea and vomiting associated with H1N1 swine flu. Severe illness (pneumonia and respiratory failure) and even deaths have been reported with H1N1 swine flu infection. Like seasonal flu, H1N1 swine flu may cause a worsening of underlying chronic diseases.

In children, emergency warning signs that need urgent medical attention include:
* Fast breathing or difficulty in breathing
* Bluish or gray skin colour
* Not drinking enough fluids
* Severe or persistent vomiting
* Not waking up or not interacting
* Being so irritable that the child does not want to be held
* Flu-like symptoms improve but then return with fever and worse cough

In adults, emergency warning signs that need urgent medical attention include:
* Difficulty in breathing or shortness of breath
* Pain or pressure in the chest or abdomen
* Sudden dizziness
* Confusion
* Severe or persistent vomiting
* Flu-like symptoms improve but then return with fever and worse cough

How do you catch H1N1 (swine) flu?
Spread of H1N1 (swine) flu can occur in two ways:

H1N1 virus appears to be transmitted the same way that seasonal flu spreads. Flu viruses are spread mainly from person to person through coughing or sneezing by people with influenza. Sometimes people may become infected by touching something with flu viruses on it and then touching their mouth or nose.

How can someone with the flu infect someone else?

Infected people can infect others right from day one even before they themselves develop any symptoms up to seven or more days after becoming sick. That means that one can pass on the infection to someone else before he/she even knows that he/she is sick, as well as while one is sick.

What can I do to protect myself from getting sick?

There is no vaccine available right now to protect against H1N1 (swine) flu. There are everyday actions that can help prevent the spread of germs that cause respiratory illnesses like influenza. Take these everyday steps to protect your health:

* Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Throw the tissue in the trash after you use it.

* Wash your hands often with soap and water, especially after you cough or sneeze. Alcohol-based hand cleaners are also effective.

* Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth. Germs spread this way.

* Try to avoid close contact with sick people.

* If you get sick with influenza, you should stay at home and not go for work or school and limit contact with others to prevent them from getting infecting by you.

* Reduce the time spent in the crowded settings.

* Improve airflow in the living space by opening the windows and proper ventilation.

* Practice good health habits including adequate sleep, eating nutritious food, and keeping physically active.

How long can influenza virus remain viable on objects (such as books and doorknobs)?

Studies have shown that influenza virus can survive on environmental surfaces and can infect a person for up to 2-8 hours after being deposited on the surface.

Germs can be spread when a person touches something that is contaminated with germs and then touches his or her eyes, nose, or mouth. Droplets from a cough or sneeze of an infected person move through the air. Germs can be spread when a person touches respiratory droplets from another person on a surface like a desk, for example, and then touches his own eyes, mouth or nose before washing hands.

Are there medicines to treat H1N1 (swine) flu?

Yes, use of oseltamivir (brand name Tamiflu?) or zanamivir (brand name Relenza ?) for the treatment and/or prevention of infection with these H1N1 (swine) influenza viruses. Antiviral drugs are prescription medicines (pills, liquid or an inhaler) that fight against the flu by keeping flu viruses from reproducing in your body. If you get sick, antiviral drugs can make your illness milder and make you feel better faster. They may also prevent serious flu complications. For treatment, antiviral drugs work best if started soon after getting sick (within two days of symptoms).

Follow the advice of your local public health department regarding school closures, avoiding crowds and other measures to reduce flu transmission. These measures will continue to be important after a novel H1N1 vaccine is available because they can prevent the spread of other viruses that cause respiratory infections.

What should I do if I get sick?

If you live in areas where people have been identified with new H1N1 flu and become ill with influenza-like symptoms, including fever, body aches, runny or stuffy nose, sore throat, nausea, or vomiting or diarrhoea, you should stay home and avoid contact with other people, except to seek medical care. If you have severe illness or you are at high risk for flu complications, contact your health care provider or seek medical care. Your health care provider will determine whether flu testing or treatment is needed.

Antiviral drugs may reduce the symptoms and duration of illness, just as they do for seasonal influenza. They also may contribute to preventing severe disease and death. WHO is in touch with public health authorities and clinicians in affected countries and is gathering information about how effective the drugs are.

What about using a mask? What does WHO recommend?

If you are not sick you do not have to wear a mask. If you are caring for a sick person, you can wear a mask when you are in close contact with the ill person and dispose of it immediately after contact, and clean your hands thoroughly afterwards.

If you are sick and have to travel or be around others, cover your mouth and nose.

Using a mask correctly in all situations is essential. Incorrect use actually increases the chance of spreading infection.

How do I know if I have influenza A (H1N1)?

You will not be able to tell the difference between seasonal flu and influenza A (H1N1) without medical help. Typical symptoms to watch for are similar to seasonal viruses and include fever, cough, headache, body aches, sore throat and runny nose. Only your medical practitioner and local health authority can confirm a case of influenza A (H1N1). If they suspect any symptoms they will send your blood sample, throat swab and nasopharyngeal (nose to mouth) for testing to laboratories. Presently this facility is available only at certain specified government laboratories.(TNN)

Wednesday, August 5, 2009



(HELD ON 06-01-2008)

Reasoning Ability

121. Among M, T, R and P, M is older than only P. T is older than R. Who among them is the oldest ?
(A) T (B) R
(C) T or R (D) Data inadequate
(E) None of these
122. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group ?
(A) Hill (B) Valley
(C) Dam (D) River
(E) Mountain
123. How many meaningful English words can be formed with the letters ESRO using each letter only once in each word ?
(A) None (B) One
(C) Two (D) Three
(E) More than three
124. If 'P' denotes '+'; 'R' denotes '¸', 'T' denotes '–' and 'W' denotes 'X', then—
40 R 8 W 10 T 12 P 16 = ?
(A) 50 (B) 46
(C) 30 (D) 70
(E) None of these
125. What should come next in the following number sequence ?
2 2 3 2 3 4 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 6 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4
(A) 8 (B) 5
(C) 6 (D) 2
(E) None of these
126. How many such pairs of letters are there in the word CONSTABLE each of which has as many letters between them in the word as in the English alphabet ?
(A) None (B) One
(C) Two (D) Three
(E) More than three
127. In a certain code BOARD is written as 54#12 and MORE is written as 941$. How is DREAM written in that code ?
(A) 21$#9 (B) 2$1#9
(C) 51$#9 (D) 25$#9
(E) None of these
128. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group ?
(A) 50 (B) 65
(C) 170 (D) 255
(E) 290
129. How many such digits are there in the number 5231698 each of which is as far away from the beginning of the number as when the digits are rearranged in ascending order ?
(A) None (B) One
(C) Two (D) Three
(E) More than three
130. In a certain code CREAM is written as NBDBQ. How is BREAD written in that code?
(E) None of these
Directions—(Q. 131–135) In each of the questions below are given three statements followed by three Conclusions numbered I, II and III. You have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts. Read all the conclusions and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements disregarding commonly known facts.
131. Statements # Some flowers are bins. Some bins are handles. All handles are sticks.
Conclusions # I. Some sticks are bins.
II. Some handles are flowers.
III. Some sticks are flowers.
(A) Only II follows
(B) Only III follows
(C) Only I and II follows
(D) Only I and III follows
(E) None of these
132. Statements # Some towers are windows. All windows are houses. Some houses are temples.
Conclusions # I. Some towers are temples.
II. Some houses are towers.
III. Some temples are windows.
(A) Only I follows
(B) Only II follows
(C) Only III follows
(D) Only I and II follows
(E) None of these
133. Statements # Some walls are doors. Some doors are cots. Some cots are chairs.
Conclusions # I. Some chairs are doors.
II. Some cots are walls.
III. No chair is door.
(A) Only II follows
(B) Only III follows
(C) Only either I or III follows
(D) Only I follows
(E) None of these
134. Statements # All trees are gardens. All gardens are stones. All stones are fences.
Conclusions # I. Some fences are gardens.
II. All gardens are fences.
III. Some stones are trees.
(A) Only I and II follow
(B) Only I and III follow
(C) Only II and III follow
(D) All follow
(E) None of these
135. Statements # All books are leaves. Some leaves are jungles. No jungle is box.
Conclusions # I. Some jungles are books.
II. No book is box.
III. Some leaves are boxes.
(A) None follows
(B) Only I follows
(C) Only II follows
(D) Only III follows
(E) Only I and III follow
Directions—(Q. 136–140) Study the follo-wing arrangement carefully and answer the questions given below—
7 R E T 4 A 9 % D F 1 U # B @ 8 H I © W M H 3 2 V $ 5 N P 6 Q
136. How many such consonants are there in the above arrangement, each of which is immediately preceded by a consonant and immediately followed by a number ?
(A) None (B) One
(C) Two (D) Three
(E) More than three
137. How many such numbers are there in the above arrangement, each of which is imme-diately preceded by a letter but not imme-diately followed by a symbol ?
(A) None (B) One
(C) Two (D) Three
(E) More than three
138. How many such vowels are there in the above arrangement, each of which is immediately followed by a symbol ?
(A) None (B) One
(C) Two (D) Three
(E) More than three
139. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on their positions in the above arrangement and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group ?
(A) RTA (B) 9DF
(C) #@H (D) 3V5
140. Which of the following is the fourth to the left of the twelfth from the left end ?
(A) % (B) 8
(C) 2 (D) H
(E) None of these
Directions—(Q. 141–145) In each question below is given a group of digits followed by four combinations of letters/symbols lettered (A), (B), (C), and (D). You have to find out which of the combinations correctly represents the group of digits based on the coding system and the condi-tions given below and mark the number of that combination as your answer. If none of the combinations correctly represents the group of digits, mark (E), i.e. 'None of these' as your answer.
Digit # 5 1 3 4 9 6 8 2 7
Letter/symbol # P A K % R @ D © M
Conditions #
(i) If the first digit is odd and the last digit is even, the codes for the first and last digits are to be reversed.
(ii) If both the first and the last digits are even, both are to be coded as *.
(iii) If both the first and the last digits are odd, both are to be coded as $.
141. 215349
(A) RAPK%© (B) *APK%*
(C) $APK%$ (D) ©PAK%R
(E) None of these
142. 671254
(A) @MA©P% (B) $MA©P$
(C) *MA©P* (D) %MA©P©
(E) None of these
143. 813469
(A) RAK%@D (B) DAK%@R
(C) DAP%@R (D) *AK%@*
(E) None of these
144. 794821
(A) MR%D©A (B) AR%D©M
(C) M%RD©A (D) $R%D©$
(E) None of these
145. 591426
(A) @RA%©P (B) PRA%©@
(C) @AR%©P (D) $RA%©*
(E) None of these
Directions—(Q. 146–150) Study the follo-wing information carefully and answer the questions given below.
A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting around a circle facing at the centre. D is second to the left of F and third to the right of H. A is second to the right of F and an immediate neighbour of H. C is second to the right of B and F is third to the right of B. G is not an immediate neighbour of F.
146. How many of them are between H and C ?
(A) Two (B) Three
(C) Two or three (D) Data inadequate
(E) None of these
147. Who is the immediate left of A ?
(A) H (B) E
(C) G (D) Data inadequate
(E) None of these
148. In which of the following pairs is the first person sitting to the immediate left of the second person ?
(A) CD (B) BG
(C) HA (D) FC
(E) None of these
149. Who is fourth to the right of B ?
(A) E (B) C
(C) A (D) Data inadequate
(E) None of these
150. What is E's position with respect to G ?
(A) Second to the right
(B) Third of the left
(C) Third to the right
(D) Second to the left
(E) None of these
Directions—(Q. 151–155) In the following questions, the symbols @, ©, #, $ and % are used with the following meaning as illustrated below—
'P © Q' means 'P is either greater than or equal to Q'.
'P % Q'means 'P is either smaller than or equal to Q'.
'P @ Q' means 'P is neither greater than nor smaller than Q'.
'P # Q' means 'P is smaller than Q'.
'P $ Q' means 'P is greater than Q'.
Now in each of the following questions assuming the given statements to be true, find which of the two conclusions I and II given below them is/are definitely true ?
Give answer (A), if only Conclusion I is true.
Give answer (B), if only Conclusion II is true.
Give answer (C), if either Conclusion I or II is true.
Give answer (D), if neither Conclusion I nor II is true.
Give answer (E), if both Conclusions I and II are true.
151. Statements : D $ N, N # F, F © T
Conclusions : I. T # N
II. D $ F
152. Statements : K © R, R $ F, F # B
Conclusions : I. B $ R
II. F # K
153. Statements : J $ M, M © K, K # N
Conclusions : I. J $ K
II. N $ M
154. Statements : F # T, T @ W, W $ H
Conclusions : I. F # H
II. F © H
155. Statements : M % T, T # R, R @ D
Conclusions : I. D $ T
II. R $ T


121. (A) T, R > M > P and T > R
T is the oldest.
122. (C) All the rest are natural while 'Dam' is man made.
123. (E) The meaningful words formed with the letters ESRO are : ROSE, SORE, EROS and SERO.
124. (E) ? = 40 R 8 W 10 T 12 P 16
= 40 ¸ 8 ´ 10 – 12 + 16
= 408 ´ 10 – 12 + 16
= 50 – 12 + 16
= 54
125. (B) 2, 23, 234, 2345, 23456, 234567, 234 5
126. (D)
ON, ST and AB.
127. (A) B ¾® 5 and M ¾® 9
O ¾® 4 O ¾® 4
A ¾® # R ¾® 1
R ¾® 1 E ¾® $
D ¾® 2
D ¾® 2
R ¾® 1
E ¾® $
A ¾® #
M ¾® 9
128. (D) 50 = (7)2 + 1
65 = (8)2 + 1
170 = (13)2 + 1
290 = (17)2 + 1
But 255 is not like this.
129. (D) 51 22 33 15 66 98 89
130. (B) As, Similarly,
131. (E)
Only I follows.
132. (B)


Only II follows.
133. (C)


Only either I or III follows.
134. (B)

Only I and III follow.
135. (A)

None follows.
136. (C) D F 1 and N P 6
137. (D) T 4 A , F 1 U and P 6 Q
138. (C) U # and I ©
139. (B)

140. (A) 12th element from the left is U and fourth to the left of U is %.
141. (E) 215349 ©APK%R
142. (C) 671254 *MA©P*
143. (B) 813469 DAK%@R
144. (D) 794821 $ R%D©$
145. (A) 591426 @RA%©P
For Qs. 146 to 150
Seating Plan is as shown below—

146. (B) 147. (B) 148. (E) 149. (A) 150. (B)
151. (D) D $ N ® D > N, N # F ® N <> N <> F (False)
152. (B) K © R ® K ≥ R, R $ F ® R > F
and F # B ® F <> F <> R (False)
II. F # K ® F <> M, M © K ® M ≥ K
and K # N ® K <> M ≥ K <> K (True)
II. N $ M ® N > M (False)
154. (D) F # T ® F < t =" W"> H
F < t =" W"> H
I. F # H ® F < r =" D" r =" D"> T (True)
II. R $ T ® R > T (True)

State Bank of India Clerical Solved Paper 2008

State Bank of India Clerical Cadre Recruitment Exam
2008 Solved Paper (HELD ON 06-01-2008)
Quantitative Aptitude

Directions—(Q. 81–90) What should come in place of question mark (?) in the following questions ?
81. (8.2% of 365) – (1.75% of 108) = ?
(A) 16.02 (B) 28.04
(C) 42.34 (D) 53.76
(E) None of these
82. [(135)2 ÷ 15 ´ 32] ÷ ? = 45 ´ 24
(A) 18 (B) 24
(C) 36 (D) 44
(E) None of these
83. (96)2 + (63)2 = (?)2 – (111)2 – 8350
(A) 33856 (B) 30276
(C) 174 (D) 184
(E) None of these
84. 4368 + 2158 – 596 – ? = 3421 + 1262
(A) 1066 (B) 1174
(C) 1247 (D) 1387
(E) None of these
85. 2172 ÷ ? = 1832 – 956 – 514
(A) 6 (B) 8
(C) 10 (D) 12
(E) None of these
86. 666.06 + 66.60 + 0.66 + 6.06 + 6 + 60 = ?
(A) 819.56 (B) 805.38
(C) 826.44 (D) 798.62
(E) None of these
87. 15.594 – 4.312 – 3.517 – 1.689 = ?
(A) 6.706 (B) 6.760
(C) 6.670 (D) 6.607
(E) None of these
88. 205 ´ ? ´ 13 = 33625 + 25005
(A) 22 (B) 27
(C) 33 (D) 39
(E) None of these
89. 69 ÷ 3 ´ 0.85 + 14.5 – 3 = ?
(A) 36.45 (B) 23.85
(C) 42.95 (D) 18.65
(E) None of these
90. (10)24 ´ (10)– 21 = ?
(A) 3 (B) 10
(C) 100 (D) 1000
(E) None of these
Directions—(Q. 91–95) What should come in place of question mark (?) in the following number series ?
91. 12 6.5 7.5 12.75 27.5 71.25 ?
(A) 225.75 (B) 216.75
(C) 209.75 (D) 236.75
(E) 249.75
92. 16 24 36 54 81 121.5 ?
(A) 182.25 (B) 174.85
(C) 190.65 (D) 166.55
(E) 158.95
93. 12 12 18 45 180 1170 ?
(A) 13485 (B) 14675
(C) 15890 (D) 16756
(E) 12285
94. 22 23 27 36 52 77 ?
(A) 111 (B) 109
(C) 113 (D) 117
(E) 115
95. 16 14 24 66 256 1270 ?
(A) 8564 (B) 5672
(C) 4561 (D) 7608
(E) 6340
Directions—(Q. 96–100) Study the following table carefully to answer the questions that follow—
Number of Boys and Girls in Five Streams of a College Over the Years
YEAR Arts Science Commerce Management IT
Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls
2002 556 414 619 505 668 612 770 633 670 515
2003 763 608 793 612 781 616 667 439 866 722
2004 672 519 540 516 859 713 778 727 781 619
2005 809 602 928 908 870 811 849 729 977 817
2006 745 510 884 820 967 819 562 938 990 808
2007 698 413 765 616 571 515 1288 1016 1151 1010
96. What is the total number of Boys, for all the Streams together, in the year 2004 ?
(A) 4148 (B) 3630
(C) 4433 (D) 3247
(E) None of these
97. The number of Boys in Arts Stream in the year 2004 is approximately what per cent of the total number of Boys for all the years together in Arts Stream ?
(A) 27 (B) 34
(C) 08 (D) 39
(E) 16
98. What is the ratio of the total number of Boys to the total number of Girls, from all the Stream together, for the year 2007 ?
(A) 2 : 3 (B) 14 : 13
(C) 52 : 49 (D) 213 : 170
(E) None of these
99. What is the ratio of the total number of Boys to the total number of Girls in the Manage-ment Stream for all the years together ?
(A) 9 : 8 (B) 71 : 86
(C) 91 : 83 (D) 27 : 23
(E) None of these
100. What is the average number of Girls from Commerce Stream for the given years ?
(A) 681 (B) 675
(C) 618 (D) 657
(E) None of these
Directions—(Q. 101–105) What approximate value should come in place of question mark (?) in the following questions ? (You are not expected to calculate the exact value.)
101. (935.82)2 = ?
(A) 870000 (B) 867500
(C) 888800 (D) 875800
(E) 899800
102. 628.306 + 6.1325 ´ 44.0268 = ?
(A) 820 (B) 970
(C) 1050 (D) 1175
(E) 900
103. (739% of 383) ÷ 628 = ?
(A) 10.00 (B) 4.50
(C) 15.75 (D) 19.25
(E) 24.15
104. (9795 + 7621 + 938) ÷ (541 + 831 + 496) = ?
(A) 9 (B) 13
(C) 17 (D) 23
(E) 29
105. 814296 ´ 36 = ? ´ 96324
(A) 326 (B) 272
(C) 304 (D) 358
(E) 260
Directions—(Q. 106–110) Study the infor-mation carefully to answer the following questions—
In an organization consisting of 750 emp-loyees, the ratio of Males to Females is 8 : 7 respectively. All the employees work in five different departments viz. HR, Management, PR, IT and Recruitment. 16 per cent of the Females work in Management Department. 32 per cent of Males are in HR Department. One–fifth of the Females are in the Department of Recruitment. The ratio of Males to Females in the Management Department is 3 : 2 respectively. 20 per cent of the total number of employees are in PR Department. Females working in Recruitment are 50 per cent of the Males working in the same Department. 8 per cent of the Males are in IT Department. The remaining Males are in PR Department. 22 per cent of the Females work in HR Department and the remaining Females are working in IT Department.
106. What is the total number of Females working in the IT and Recruitment Department together ?
(A) 147 (B) 83
(C) 126 (D) 45
(E) None of these
107. What is the number of Females working in the HR Department ?
(A) 77 (B) 70
(C) 56 (D) 134
(E) None of these
108. Number of Males working in HR Depart-ment from approximately what per cent of total number of the employees in the Organization ?
(A) 20 (B) 28
(C) 32 (D) 9
(E) 17
109. Number of Males working in PD Department forms what per cent of the number of Females working in the same Department ? (rounded off two digits after decimal)
(A) 22.98 (B) 16.68
(C) 11.94 (D) 6.79
(E) 27.86
110. What is the total number of employees working in the Management Department ?
(A) 128 (B) 77
(C) 210 (D) 140
(E) None of these
111. The simple interest accrued on an amount of Rs. 19,800. At the end of three years is Rs. 7,128. What would be the compound interest accrued on the same amount at the same rate in the same period ?
(A) Rs. 8934.6784
(B) Rs. 8017.5744
(C) Rs. 7861.8754
(D) Cannot be determined
(E) None of these
112. If the numerator of a fraction is increased by 400% and the denominator is increased by 500%, the resultant fraction is 1021 . What was the original fraction ?
(A) 512 (B) 813
(C) 1714 (D) 47
(E) None of these
113. What is 26% of 55% of 1013 th of 6100 ?
(A) 617 (B) 681
(C) 706 (D) 734
(E) None of these
114. The ages of Aarzoo and Arnav are in the ratio of 11 : 13 respectively. After 7 years the ratio of their ages will be 20 : 23. What is the difference in years between their ages ?
(A) 4 years (B) 7 years
(C) 6 years (D) 5 years
(E) None of these
115. One-eighth of a number is 17.25. What will 73% of that number be ?
(A) 100.74 (B) 138.00
(C) 96.42 (D) 82.66
(E) None of these
Direction—(Q. 116–120) Study the graph carefully to answer the questions that follow—
Number of Girls Enrolled in Different Hobby Classes in Various Institutes in a Year
116. What is the respective ratio of total number of Girls Enrolled in Painting in the Institutes A and C together to those Enrolled in Stitching in the Institutes D and E together ?
(A) 5 : 4 (B) 5 : 7
(C) 16 : 23 (D) 9 : 8
(E) None of these
117. Number of Girls Enrolled in Stitching in Institute B forms approximately what per cent of the total number of Girls Enrolled in Stitching in all the Institutes together ?
(A) 29 (B) 21
(C) 33 (D) 37
(E) 45
118. What is the respective ratio of total number of Girls Enrolled in Painting, Stitching and Dancing from all the Institutes together ?
(A) 44 : 48 : 47 (B) 43 : 47 : 48
(C) 44 : 47 : 48 (D) 47 : 48 : 44
(E) None of these
119. Number of Girls Enrolled in Dancing in Institute A forms what per cent of total number of Girls Enrolled in all the Hobby Classes together in that Institute ? (rounded off to two digits after decimal)
(A) 23.87 (B) 17.76
(C) 31.23 (D) 33.97
(E) 20.69
120. What is the total number of Girls Enrolled in Painting from all the Institutes together ?
(A) 1150 (B) 1200
(C) 1275 (D) 1100
(E) None of these

Answers with Explanation :

81. (B) ? = (8·2% of 365) – (1·75% of 108)
= 365 ´ – 108 ´
= 29·93 – 1·89 = 28.04 Ans.
82. (C) ? = [(135)2 ÷ 15 ´ 32] ÷ (24 ´ 45)
= ÷ (1080)
= = 36 Ans.
83. (D) ?2 = (96)2 + (63)2 + (111)2 + 8350
= 9216 + 3969 + 12321 + 8350
= 33856 = (184)2
? = 184 Ans.
84. (C) ? = 4368 + 2158 – 596 – 3421 – 1262
= 6526 – 5279 = 1247 Ans.
85. (A) 2172 ÷ ? = 1832 – 956 – 514
\ ? = =
= 6 Ans.
86. (B) ? = 666·06 + 66·60 + 0·66 + 6·06
+ 6 + 60
= 805·56 Ans.
87. (E) ? = 15·594 – 4·312 – 3·517 – 1·689
= 15·594 – 9·518 = 6·076 Ans.
88. (A) ? = =
= 22 Ans.
89. (E) ? = 69 ÷ 3 ´ 0·85 + 14·5 – 3
= 23 ´ 0·85 + 14·5 – 3
= 19·55 + 14·50 – 3 = 34·05 – 3
= 31·05 Ans.
90. (D) ? = (10)24 ´ (10)– 21
= (10)24 – 21 = (10)3
= 1000 Ans.
91. (B)
92. (A)
93. (E)
94. (C)
95. (D)
96. (B) Total no. of boys for all streams in 2004
= 672 + 540 + 859 + 778 + 781
= 3630 Ans.
97. (E) Reqd. Percentage
= %
= % = 15·84%
16% (Approximate) Ans.
98. (D) Reqd. Ratio = (698 + 765 + 571 + 1288 + 1151) : (413 + 616 + 515 + 1016 + 1010)
= (4473) : (3570)
= 213 : 170 Ans.
99. (C) Reqd. Ratio = (770 + 667 + 778 + 849 + 562 + 1288) : (633 + 439 + 727 + 729 + 938 + 1016)
= (4914) : (4482)
= (91 ´ 54) : (83 ´ 54)
= 91 : 83 Ans.
100. (A) Average number of girls from Commerce Stream for the given years
= = 681 Ans.
101. (d) ? = (935·82)2 = 875759·0724
875800 (Approximate) Ans.
102. (E) ? = 628·306 + 6·1325 ´ 44·0268
628 + 6 ´ 44 628 + 264
900 (Approximate) Ans.
103. (B) ? = (739% of 383) ÷ 628
= 2830·37 ÷ 628 4·50 (Approximate)
104. (A) ? = (9795 + 7621 + 938)
÷ (541 + 831 + 496)
= (18354) ÷ (1868) = 9·825
9 (Approximate) Ans.
105. (C) ? = = 304·33
304 (Approximate) Ans.
For questions 106 to 110
The data in the following table are based on the given information for these questions—
Department Male Female Total
H.R. 400 = 128
350 ´
= 77
56 ´
= 84
350 ´
= 56
400 –
(128 + 84 + 32 + 140) = 400 – 384
= 16
150 – 16
= 134
750 ´ = 150
400 ´
= 32
350 – (77 + 56 + 134 + 70) = 350 – 337 = 13
2 ´ 70
= 140
350 ´
= 70
106. (B) Total No. of Females in I.T. and Recruit-ment Deptt. = 13 + 70 = 83 Ans.
107. (A) Number of females in H.R. Department
= 22% of 350 = ´ 350 = 77 Ans.
108. (E) Required Percentage = ´ 100%
= 17·06%
= 17% (Approximate) Ans.
109. (C) Reqd. Percentage = ´ 100%
= 11·94 Ans.
110. (D) Total number of employees in the Mana-gement = 84 + 56
= 140 Ans.
111. (B) Let the annual rate of interest = R%, Then as per question—
˙.˙ 7128 =
Þ R = = 12%
Reqd. Compound Interest
= 19800
= 19800
= 19800
= Rs. 8017·5744 Ans.
112. (d) Let the original fraction be . Then
Þ =
= = Ans.
113. (e) Given Exp. = 26% of 55% of th
of 6100
= ´ ´ ´ 6100
= 2 ´ ´ 10 ´ 61
= 11 ´ 61 = 671 Ans.
114. (c) Let the ages of Aarzoo and Arnav are 11x and 13x years
Then, as per question—
˙.˙ =
Þ 260x + 140 = 253x + 161
Þ (260 – 253)x = 161 – 140
Þ 7x = 21
x = 3
Reqd. difference in years between their ages
= 13x – 11x
= 2 ´ 3 = 6 years Ans.
115. (a) Let the required number be x.
˙.˙ ´ x = 17·25
Þ x = 17·25 ´ 8 = 138
73% of the number = ´ 138
= 100·74 Ans.
116. (c) Reqd. Ratio
= = 16 : 23 Ans.
117. (b) Reqd. Percentage
= %
= % = 20·83% 21% (app.) Ans.
118. (a) Reqd. Ratio
= (Girls Enrolled in Painting) :
(Stitching) : (Pancing)
= (250 + 225 + 150 + 175 + 300) : (325 + 250 + 50 + 250 + 325) : (150 + 200 + 75 + 400 + 350)
= (1100) : (1200) : (1175)
= 44 : 48 : 47 Ans.
119. (e) Reqd. Percentage = %
= % = 20·689%
20·69% Ans.
120. (d) Total number of girls enrolled in Painting from all the institutes
= 250 + 225 + 150 + 175 + 300
= 1100 Ans.





1. Bank MarketinG menas -
(A) Selling of Bnaks
(B) Buting of banks
(C) Merger of banks
(D) selling bank's produts and services
(E) Selling various items in banks
ANS -(D)
2. Proper pricing is needed for -
(A) Extra charges of extra services
(B) Levy of VAT
(C) Good customer services
(D) Putting burden on the customer
(E) Service with extra facilities
ANS -(C)
3. Alead means -
(A) Abank's marketing staff
(B) Areligious leader
(C) Bank's chairman
(D) Target Customer
(E) Leash tied to a dog
ANS -(D)
4. A good salesman should be-
(A) Agressive
(B) Pushy
(C) Fierce
(D) Polite, but firm
(E) Talkative
ANS -(D)
5. Relationship selling means -
(A) Preparing a list of relatives
(B) Cross selling
(C) Selling to relatives
(D) Selling to strangers
(E) Telemarketing
ANS -(B)
6.ATM are -
(A) Branches of banks
(B) Manned couters of banks
(C) Unmanned , cash dispensers
(D) All of these
(E) None of these
ANS -(C)
7. Home loans are granted to -
(A) Individuals
(B) Institutions
(C) Builders
(D) All of these
(E) None of these
ANS -(A)
8. Credit cards are used for -
(A) Cash withdrawals
(B) Purchase of air tickets
(C) Purchase of consumable items from retail outlets
(D) All of these
(E) None of these
ANS -(D)
9. HNI means -
(A) Highly negative individual
(B) High growth individual
(C) High neutral individual
(D) Highly necessary individual
(E) All of these
ANS -(B)
10. What menu is selected to cut , copy, and pest ?
(A) File
(B) Tools
(C) Special
(D) Edit
(E) None of these
ANS -(D)
11. The most important or powerful computer in a typical network -
(A) Desktop
(B) Network client
(C) Network server
(D) Network station
(E) None of these
ANS -(C)
12. The primary purpose of software is to turn data into -
(A) Web sites
(B) Information
(C) Programs
(D) Objects
(E) None of these
ANS -(C)
13. Which of the following is the largest unit of storage ?
(A) GB
(B) KB
(C) MB
(D) TB
(E) None of these
ANS -(D)
14. Which of the following is an example of connectivity ?
(A) Internet
(B) Floppy disk
(C) Power cord
(D) Data
(E) None of these
ANS -(A)
15. A collection of related file is called a -
(A) Character
(B) Field
(C) Database
(D) Record
(E) None of these
ANS -(C)


General Awareness

1. Who amongst the following is the author of the book 'Shame'?
(a) Chandar S. Sundaram (b) Namita Gokhale
(c) Jaswindar Sanghara (d) Anita Desai
(e) None of these
2. As per the reports published by the 'Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)' has generated maximum new jobs in the past few years?
(a) China (b) Russia
(c) India (d) Brazil
(e) None of these
3. Mr. Digambar V. Kamat took over as which of the following in 2007?
(a) Governor of Goa (b) Chief Minister of Goa
(c) Governor of Meghalaya (d) Governor of Rajasthan
(e) None of these
4. Who amongst the following Indians was awarded King Charles II Medal by the UK in 2007?
(a) Dr. Manmohan Singh (b) Smt. Sonia Gandhi
(c) Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam (d) Smt. Vasundhara Raje
(e) None of these
5. Miss Riyo Mori who was crowned as Miss Universe 2007 belongs to which of the following countries?
(a) Japan (b) U.S.A
(c) China (d) Singapore
(e) South Korea
6. Which of the following countries has decided to build a road to the base camp of Mt. Everest?
(a) India (b) China
(c) Nepal (d) Myanmar
(e) None of these
7. 'Bharti-Airtel', the largest mobile company of India joined the elite club of companies earning profits of more than US $1 billion. What was the net profit of the Company in the year 2006-07?
About –
(a) Rs. 3500 crores
(b) Rs. 4000 crores
(c) Rs. 4250 cores
(d) Rs. 4450 crores
(e) Rs. 4500 crores
8. 'SEBI' bans some companies for their role in 'F&O Scam', was the news in some major newspapers in 2007. What is the full form of 'F&O'?
(a) Fair & Optimum
(b) Free & Operational
(c) Future & Operations
(d) Future & Options
(e) None of these
9. Which of the following African countries launched its communication satellite in 2007 for the first time?
(a) Nigeria (b) Kenya
(c) Zimbabwe (d) Mauritius
(e) None of these
10. The President of Brazil was on a visit to India in 2007 where he signed several trade agreements. Which of the following has been the major area of trade relations between the two countries?
(a) Oil exploration (b) Supply of agro products
(c) Production of nuclear fuel (d) Import of electronic goods
(e) None of these
11. The World Islamic Economic Forum was held in 2007 in
(a) Malaysia (b) Kuwait
(c) Iran (d) Brazil
(e) Indonesia
12. In an important meeting of the National Development Council held in New Delhi the Prime Minister of India made a special mention of a particular sector of Indian economy which in his opinion was suffering from a "Technological Fatigue for lack of break through in production". He was talking of which of the following sectors?
(a) Agriculture Sector (b) Oil Sector
(c) Service Sector (d) Defence Sector
(e) None of these
13. Which of the following was the major issue of discussion in the G-8 Summit held in Germany in 2007?
(a) Subsidy to agro products (b) Climate protection
(c) Financial aid to Iraq
(d) Nuclear Technology and possibility of space war
(e) None of these
14. As per the Economic Survey 2006-07 India's share in World Export has been
(a) 0.5% (b) 0.75%
(c) 1% (d) 1.25%
(e) 1.5%
15. How much amount approximately the Govt. of India planned to provide for Mid Day Meal Scheme? (As per Budget 2007-08)
(a) Rs. 5,000 crores (b) Rs. 6,000 crores
(c) Rs. 7,300 crores (d) Rs. 8,000 crores
(e) Rs. 8,300 crores
16. As per the figures given in the newspapers what is the approximate investment in various 'Special Economic Zones' till date in India?
(a) Rs. 20,000 crores (b) Rs. 25,000 crores
(c) Rs. 30,000 crores (d) Rs. 35,000 crores
(e) Rs. 40,000 crores
17. Who amongst the following is the author of the famous classical book "A Passage to India"?
(a) Mark Twain (b) Nayantara Sehgal
(c) Nirad C. Choudhuri (d) E. M. Foster
(e) None of these
18. The Government of India has bought RBI's entire stake in the State Bank of India in about Rs. 35, 531 crores. What is the share of the RBI in total snake of the State Bank? About -
(a) 40% (b) 48%
(c) 50% (d) 52%
(e) 60%
19. Which of the following countries has offered knighthood to Salman Rushdie?
(a) France (b) Italy
(c) Germany (d) U.K.
(e) None of these
20. As per Union Budget 2007-08 how much amount the Government of India provided for Women Specific Schemes/Programmes for 2007-08?
(a) Rs. 7,700 crores (b) Rs. 8,700 crores
(c) Rs. 9,300 crores (d) Rs. 10,000 crores
(e) Rs. 10,500 crores
Answer Keys
1) (c) 2) (c) 3) (b) 4) (c) 5) (a)
6) (b) 7) (c) 8) (d) 9) (a) 10) (a)
11) (a) 12) (a) 13) (b) 14) (c) 15) (c)
16) (d) 17) (d) 18) (e) 19) (d) 20) (b)

General Awareness held on 13-07-2008

1. Oscar Awards are given for the excellence in the field of -
(A) films
(B) Literature
(C) Sports
(D) Politics
(E) Status
2. Which of the following is not a food crop ?
(A) Wheat
(B) Barley
(C) Maize
(D) Gram
(E) Cotton
3. Union Budget always presented first in -
(A) The Loksabha
(B) The Rajyasabha
(C) Joint session of Parliament
(D) Meeting of the Union cabinet
(E) The State Assemblies
4. The Government of India has earmarked about Rs. 70,000 crore in Union Budget to help which of the following sections of the society ?
(A) Children who are bonded labour
(B) Persons working in hazardous industries
(C) Farmers
(D) People living below poverty line
(E) None of these
5. Jose Louise has taken over as the prime minister of -
(A) France
(B) Argentina
(C) Spain
(D) New zealand
(E) Italy
6. The conference of Economic/ Finance Ministers of ASEAN was held recently in -
(A) Jakarta
(B) Bali
(C) New Delhi
(D) Tokyo
(E) Islamabad
7. Which of the following International forums/ organizations has made a decision of not to go for reckless lending ?
(A) G-7
(B) G-8
(D) World Bank
8.Mahmood Ahmadinejad who was in India on an official visit recently is the -
(A) Prime Minister of Iraq
(B) President of Iran
(C) Prime Minister of Iran
(D) President of Iraq
(E) None of these
9. India recently started "Maitree Express" to which of the following destinations ?
(A) Islamabad
(B) Karanchi
(C) Dhaka
(D) Kathmandu
(E) None of these
10. The first ever General elction took place in which of the following countries in Indian sub-continent ?
(A) Bhutan
(B) China
(C) Pakistan
(D) Bangladesh
(E) Sri Lanka
11. As per the latest figures published in the newspapers the growth of economy in India for the fiscal year ended March 2008 has been at which of the following levels ? About -
(A) 6 %
(B) 6.5 %
(C) 7 %
(D) 7.5 %
(E) 9 %
12. Name of B.S.Yeddyurappa was recently in news as he has taken over as the -
(A) Governor of Karnataka
(B) Chief Minister of Karnataka
(C) Governor of Andhra Pradesh
(D) Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh
(E) None of these
13. The Govt. of India Planning to put up a bill in the parliament to ensure free and compulsory education for all those who are of the age of -
(A) 3 Years
(B) 5 Years
(C) 6-14 Years
(D) 12-20 Years
(E) Upto 21 Years
14. "World No Tobacco Day" is observed on which of the following days ?
(A) Ist May
(B) 10th May
(C) 21st May
(D) 31 st May
(E) 1st June
15. Late Vijay Tendulkar who died recently was a famous -
(A) Social Work
(B) Politician
(C) Sportsman
(D) Play Wright
(E) None of these
16. Mnay times we erad in newspapers about the GM Crops.What is the full form of GM ?
(A) Genetically Marketed
(B) Genetically Modified
(C) Green & Moisturious
(D) Globally Marketed
(E) None of these
17. Barack Obama whose name was in news recently is from which of the following countries ?
(A) UK
(C) France
(D) Italy
(E) None of these
18. Which of the following is an Oscar winning documentary on climate change in which former US Vice President Al Gore has featured as a narrator ?
(A) An inconvenient truth
(B) The Sea
(C) Road to prediction
(D) Remember My Name
(E) None of these
19. Defence minister from 27 nations recently gathered at which of the following places to discuss security amongst the countries of Asia Pacific Region ?
(A) Beijing
(B) New Delhi
(C) Singapore
(D) Kuala Lumpur
(E) None of these
20. Who amongst the following is NOT a Lawn Tennis Player ?
(A) Serena Williams
(B) Katarina Srebotnik
(C) Andy Murray
(D) Nichlas Almagro
(E) Ricky Ponting
21. The head office of the Stae Bank Of India is located in -
(A) Kolkat
(B) New Delhi
(C) Pune
(D) Ahmedabad
(E) None of these
ANS (E) Mumbai
22. Which of the following is NOT the name of the sensitive index of any global stock exchange ?
(A) Nasdaq
(B) Nikkei
(C) Kospi
(D) Dow
(E) Combix
23. Mnay times we read the term 'ECB'in financial newspapers.What is the full form of 'ECB'?
(A) Essential Commercial Borrowing
(B) Essential Credit & Borrowing
(C) External Credit & Business
(D) External Commercial Borrowing
(E) None Of These
24. Who amongst the following is the new face in Union Cabinet after it was reshuffled recently ?
(A) Mnai Shankar Aiyer
(B) Rahul Gandhi
(C) Priyanka
(D) Jyotiraditya Scindia
(E) None of these
25. Who amongst the following has taken over as the chief minister of Nagaland ?
(A) Manik Sarkar
(B) Dinesh Nandan Sahay
(C) P.Longon
(D) K.Shankaranarayanan
(E) None of these

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Recruitment of 11000 Clerical Staff in State Bank of India (SBI)

State Bank of India

Recruitment of 11000 Clerical Staff in State Bank of India (SBI)

Advertisement No. CRPD/CR/2009-10/04

Central Recruitment & Promotion Department, State Bank of India, Corporate Centre,Mumbai invites Online applications from Indian citizens for appointment of 11000 Clerical Cadre posts in State Bank of India between 01/08/2009 and 15/09/2009.

Clerical Cadre : 11000 posts (UR-5612,SC-1750, ST-1082, OBC-2556) in various states in India

Pay Scale : Scale of Pay : 4410-215/3-5055-335/3-6060-470/4-7940-500/3-9440-560/4-11680-970/1-12650-560/1-13210

Educational Qualification (as on 01.10.2009)
A. Minimum 12th standard (10+2) pass or equivalent qualification with a minimum of aggregate 60% marks (55% for SC/ST/PWD/XS).
A degree from a recognised university (graduation level) with a minimum of aggregate 40%marks" (35%forSC/ST/PWD/XS).

Note :

Candidates who have not passed XIIth standard Examination but have passed Diploma course after Xth standard are eligible for the captioned recruitment provided:
i) Diploma Course passed must be a full time course with a minimum of Two Years Duration (Diploma course through correspondence are not eligible).
ii) The Diploma course should be recognized/approved by the State Board of Technical Education of the concerned state.
iii) The percentage of marks in XIIth std/Diploma course shall be arrived at by dividing the marks obtained by the candidate in all the subjects by aggregate maximum marks of all subjects irrespective of optional/additional optional subjects studied. Similarly percentage of marks in Graduation shall also be arrived at by dividing the aggregate marks obtained by the candidates in all the subjects by maximum marks of the course (both for pass/Honours course) for all the years of the course.
B. Matriculate Ex-Servicemen Candidates, who have obtained the Indian Army Special Certificate of Education or corresponding certificate in the Navy or theAir Force, after having completed not less than 15 years of service in Armed Forces of the Union are also eligible for the post.
C. Should be able to write and speak English fluently.
D. Knowledge of local language will be an added qualification.

Age Limit : 18-28 years as on 01/10/2009. Age relaxation as per Govt. rules.

Selection Procedure :
All eligible candidates should apply online before the last date for registering the application.
a) Final selection will be made on the basis of performance in the written test and interview taken together. Merely satisfying the eligibility norms does not entitle a candidate to be called for written test or interview.
b) The written test will be of Objective type consisting of (i) General Awareness (ii) General English (iii) Quantitative Aptitude (iv) Reasoning Ability and (v)Marketing Aptitude/ Computer knowledge. The questions in these objective tests, except for the test of General English, will be printed in bilingual i.e., English & Hindi.

Application Fee :
Rs. 250/- (for SC/ST/PWD/XS Rs.50/- only) to be deposited in any branch of SBI by a prescribed deposit slip and get receipt. Details of the payment should be entered in online application form.

How to Apply : Apply Online at SBI website between 01/08/2009 and 15/09/2009.

Important Dates

Start of Online submission of Application 01/08/2009
Last date of Online submission of Application 15/09/2009
Date of Written Examination 08/11/09 and 15/11/2009

Apply Online

Click Here to Download Cash Voucher

Details Here

Requires Jr. Executive Engineer (ATC/Electronics/Fire Service/OL/ Civil / Electrical)

Airports Authority Of India

Requires Jr. Executive Engineer (ATC/Electronics/Fire Service/OL/ Civil / Electrical)

Adv. No. 02/2009

Airports Authority of India invites applications for the following posts:-

S No. Name of Post No. of vacancies Total Qualification
3 Jr. Executive( ATC) 50 27 15 08 -- 100 B.E/B.Tech( Electronics/ Telecommunication/ Radio Engg/ Electrical) with 60% marks
4 Jr. Executive( Electronics) 48 36 16 -- 03 100 B.E/B.Tech( Electronics/ Telecommunication/ Electrical) with 60% marks
5 Jr. Executive Engg.( Civil) 51 27 15 07 01 100 B.E/B.Tech( Civil)
6 Jr. Executive Engg.( Electrical) 51 27 15 07 01 100 B.E/ B.Tech( Electrical)
7 Jr. Executive( Fire Service) 09 05 02 02 -- 18 B.E( Fire)/ HTV License

Age as on 01-07-09: Below 27 years

Pay Scale: Rs.16400-40500

How to apply:

Candidates can  apply online and send  acknowledgement slip and  a crossed Demand Draft towards application fee of Rs. 100/- (non refundable) should drawn  in favour of Airports Authority of India payable at New Delhi .  Envelope shall be marked with the post applied for. The application may reach to "HR Cell, Airports Authority of India, Rajiv Gandhi Bhavan, Safdarjung Airport, New Delhi-110 003"  on or before August 24, 2009. Those candidates who applied with respect to the Adv. No. 02/2008 need not apply again.

 Jr. Executive( ATC)                     Apply Online

Jr. Executive( Electronics)           Apply Online  

Jr. Executive Engg.( Civil)           Apply Online

Jr. Executive Engg.( Electrical)    Apply Online

Jr. Executive( Fire Service)         Apply Online

Details Here

Graduate Engineer Trainees ( GETs - 507 Nos)

Graduate Engineer Trainees ( GETs - 507 Nos)


Jindal Steel & Power Limited Invite applications from young , dynamic, talented and result oriented engineers for the post of GET,s

Graduate Engineer Trainees ( GETs - 507 Nos. In Mechanical,/ Electrical/Instrumentation & Control/Metallurgical/Civil Engineering for plants/projects of JSPL/JPL and Othe business-national and International).

Qualification: Bachelor's / Master's Degree in Engineering / Technology in any of the above-mentioned disciplines from a recognized University/ Institute with minimum 55 % marks  throughout the academic career ( 10 th, 12 th / Diploma, Degree). Candidates graduating in 2010 (Currently in VII Semester) can also apply.

Age Limit Candidates born on or after:

       Jan 01, 1985  For B.Tech   &   Jan 01 1983  For M.Tech/ M.E.

Candidates having NPTI degree will be given due weightage for Power Projects.

Selection: The selection of the candidates will be through written test (domain test + Aptitude Test), group discussion (GD) and personal interview (PI) Written test will be conducted offline at the following sixteen test centers: Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata,Bangalore, Hyderabad, pune, Chadigarh, Bhuvaneswar, Raipur,Ranchi, Nagpur, Lucknow, Bhopal, Jaipur & Varanasi.

The Management reserves the right to Change the test centre, depending on the number of candidates.

How to apply 

Eligible and interested candidates would be required to

Apply online. No other mode of application shall be accepted. Before registering the application on the website, applicants should have their own:
(1) Valid E-mail ID and
(11) A demand draft o
f Rs.500/- as non refundable application processing fee in favour of Jindal Steel & Power Ltd, payable at New Delhi.  Please log onto JSPL website for online submission of application. After registration ,a confirmation  sheet will be generated with all the details. Candidates need to take printout of it and send it along with the demand draft superscribing the Candidate ID on the top of the envelope, at the following address:
GET Cell, Corporate HR, Jindal Steel & power Limited, Jindal Centre, 12 Bhikaiji Cama Place, New Delhi-110066 

Important Dates

Starting Date of Applying Online 29th July 2009
Closing Date of Applying Online 7th September 2009
Last Date of Receiving demand Draft 10th September  2009
Date of Offline Test 4th October  2009

Click Here For Details

Click Here for Online Application