
Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Tata Nano Car

Monday, March 23, 2009

Technical specification of Tata Nano


Length: 3.1 m
Width: 1.5 m
Height: 1.6 m
To seat: 4
Engine: 643cc, 2-cylinder, all-aluminum
Power: 33 BHP
Position: Engine, battery at rear end
Boot: In front
Fuel: Petrol
Fuel injection: MPFI
Fuel consumption: 20 kmpl
AC: Only in deluxe version
Music system: No
Passenger side mirror: No
Power steering: No
ABS/airbags: No
Price: $2500 at dealer + VAT + transport cost. Base version
approximate on-road price: $3000
Tyres: Tubeless tyres
Body: All-steel
Safety features: Crumple zones, intrusion-resistant doors, seat belts,
2 A-Pillars
Suspension: Independent front and rear

Measurements of the Nano
3.1 metre length
1.5 metre width
1.6 metre height

What make the tata nano so cheap???

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Advertisements that make you think

Title: Chewing tobacco causes mouth cancer

Title: Drive safely

Title: Child Abusive Awareness

Headline: Most child abuse is committed by the person a child trusts

Title: Save child girl

Title: Feed the Children

Headline: The next time you waste food, think

Title: Encourage Adoption

Headline: Adopt. You never know who you'll bring home

Title: Save Girl Child

Headline: Do not neglect the girl child...

Title: Stop Domestic Violence

Headline: 78% of domestic abuse incidents resulting in death occur in the victim's home.

Title: Stop Racism

Headline: Defend human rights against racial discrimination

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Positive Thinking

  • Thank God for what you have, Trust God for what you need.
  • God always gives his best to those who leave the choices with Him.
  • Man looks at outward appearances but the Lord looks within.
  • Anger is a condition in which the tongue works faster than the mind.
  • You can't change the past, but you can ruin the present by worrying about the future.
  • If you fill your heart with regrets of yesterday and the worries of tomorrow, you have no today to be thankful for.
  • Love and you shall be loved.
  • All people smile in the same language.
  • The hug is a great gift…one size fits all. It can be given for any occasion and it is easy to exchange.
  • Everyone needs to be loved, especially when they do not deserve it.
  • Laughter is God's sunshine. Take time to laugh, for it is the music of the soul.
  • Everyone has beauty but not everyone sees it.
  • The real measure of man's wealth is what he has invested in eternity.
  • The choices you make today will usually affect your tomorrow.
  • Patience is the ability to idle your motor when you feel like stripping your gears.
  • Love is strengthened, by working through conflicts together.
  • Harsh words break no bones but they do break hearts.
  • The best thing the parents can do for their children is to love each other.
  • To get out of a difficulty, one usually must go through it.
  • We take for granted the things that we should be giving thanks for.
  • Love is the only thing that can be divided without being diminished.
  • Happiness is enhanced by others but does not depend on others.
  • Do what you can, for whom you can, with what you have, and where you are.

Online CAT may not happen in 2009

In 2008 there was a talk that CAT  2009 will be conducted online .
The Common Admission Test (CAT) this year too may remain a paper-pencil test. Last December, the Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs) had floated a tender and shortlisted four companies to conduct CAT 2009 online. These companies include ETS Prometric, Pearson VUE, Eduquity Career Technologies and Mumbai-based Attest, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Aptech.

The IIMs now say the probability of CAT going online this year is low, given the logistics involved. "We don't know yet if CAT would go online. We are in the process of finalising the vendors. In the next few weeks, we will take a call if we will go online this year or not," Pankaj Chandra, director, IIM Bangalore, told Business Standard.

"To go online or not would be decided in April. We still would have eight months, which hopefully will be enough for us. If not, we will go for the usual paper-pencil test, where we are familiar with the entire logistics of printing, advertising and hiring of rental places for writing the test," he added.

CAT online
would mean taking the test on a computer which will serve questions from a local server. The IIMs have said they will need a good number of computer terminals for students to take the examination. "A whole lot of other details need to be put in place which needs time," said a senior faculty member from one of the IIMs, who did not wish to be identified.

An executive from a prominent MBA preparatory institute concurred: "We are talking about around 300,000 students taking the exam in one day. Taking an examination like CAT online would require good work from IIMs in terms of infrastructure and facilities which will not happen in a few months' time." Read complete news on Business Standard

Monday, March 16, 2009

Useful Blog Add-Ons & Tools That Improve Visitor Experience

Here's a collection of most useful blog add-ons or extras that can be easily integrated with any website and will help in enhancing your visitors' experience.

All these 15 add-ons are free and you don't have to be a geek to use them on your site.

gtalk 1. Google Talk Badge - This badge will enable site visitors to get in touch with you quickly. They won't need a Google account and the badge is enabled only when you are online. Alternative is meebo me.

2. Web2PDF Online - Love this. People can download your articles as PDF files with a click. The PDFs are free of any advertising and you also get full access to stats so you know what articles downloaded most, etc. (example)
3. Zoho Creator - If you ever need to create web forms for your blog, use Zoho Creator. It lets you customize the form layouts, there are no data limits and best of all, readers can upload file attachments while submitting the form.
4. HP Blog Printing - This makes your blog printer friendly. Visitors can pick blog posts that they want to print and only the text + images get printed. Everything else including banners, sidebars, etc. are cut off from the printed version.
5. Outbrain Ratings - The is the best way to add ratings to your blog posts. Outbrain offers two extra advantages as well - your readers can find more stories related to the one they are currently reading and two, they can rate stories even from feed readers.
6. ShareThis or AddThis - They help reduce clutter on your blog by neatly arranging icons in a CSS drop-down that appears only on mouse hover. Both are similar though I prefer AddThis as it is loads faster and allows branding.

7. Google Feed Wizard - This is useful if you have to embed RSS feeds in your blog - you can create blocks in either horizontal or vertical format. If your need options other than AJAX, try these RSS widgets or the static Google Gadgets.
8. Skribit - This is again a great tool to get feedback and opinions from your site visitors.

For instance, you can put up a question like "What should I write about" or "How Can I improve" in the sidebar and readers can add opinions anonymously.  They can even vote on suggestions left by other visitors. See example.

visitors 9. - This helps you and your readers know how many people are currently on the site and what pages are they reading.  No sign-up required and will even tell you the exact location of different visitors on a map.

eco 10. Eco Safe Badge - This badge allows website visitors to send a full copy of your web page to any email address in HTML or PDF format. Alternatively, they can download a PDF version of the page in a click. The whole idea is to discourage visitors from printing web pages.

meebo 11. Meebo Rooms - This allows visitors on your website to interact with each other inside a chat room. Other options worth exploring include Google Lively but again, Lively requires installation at the client's end.

scribd12. Scribd iPaper - If you frequently link to PDF files and Microsoft Office documents like doc or xls, the Scribd iPaper add-on will make sure that your content remains accessible even to readers who don't have Microsoft Office or Adobe Reader.

You simply copy-and-paste a small block of code into your webpage, and QuickSwitch converts all the documents in your blog into Flash Paper format hosted on Scribd. If you only link to PDF files, try PDFMeNote script.

media 13. Yahoo! Media Player - If you have an audio blog or frequently link to MP3 files, integrate the Yahoo! media players in your blog template - this auto-detects any MP3 links and creates an embedded player so you are saved from all the hard work.

translate 14. Translate Gadget - This lets your non-English speaking visitors translate articles from your website in their native language using Google Translation.
Alternatively, you can create your own translation box with language flags or through a different translation service.

digg 15. Digg Your Blog - A good Digg widget that doesn't get much attention.

Unlike the regular "Digg This" buttons, this widget creates a list of posts from your own blog that are currently getting votes on Digg. Put it in your sidebar to highlight "recently popular" content.


I ran into a stranger as he passed by,
"Oh excuse me please" was my reply.

He said, "Please excuse me too;
I wasn't watching for you."

We were very polite, this stranger and I.
We went on our way and we said goodbye.

But at home a different story is told,
How we treat our loved ones, young and old.

Later that day, cooking the evening meal,
My son stood beside me very still.

When I turned, I nearly knocked him down.
"Move out of the way," I said with a frown.

He walked away, his little heart broken.
I didn't realize how harshly I'd spoken.

While I lay awake in bed,
God's still small voice came to me and said,

"While dealing with a stranger,

common courtesy you use,
but the family you love, you seem to abuse.

Go and look on the kitchen floor,
You'll find some flowers there by the door.

Those are the flowers he brought for you.
He picked them himself: pink, yellow and blue.

He stood very quietly not to spoil the surprise,
you never saw the tears that filled his little eyes."

By this time, I felt very small,
And now my tears began to fall.

I quietly went and knelt by his bed;
"Wake up, little one, wake up," I said.

"Are these the flowers you picked for me?"
He smiled, "I found 'em, out by the tree.

I picked 'em because they're pretty like you.
I knew you'd like 'em, especially the blue."

I said, "Son, I'm very sorry for the way I acted today;
I shouldn't have yelled at you that way."
He said, "Oh, Mom, that's okay.
I love you anyway."

I said, "Son, I love you too,
and I do like the flow ers, especially the blue."

Are you aware that if we died tomorrow, the company
that we are working for could easily replace us in
a matter of days.
But the family we left behind will feel the loss
for the rest of their lives.

And come to think of it, we pour ourselves more
into work than into our own family,
an unwise investment indeed,
don't you think?
So what is behind the story?

Do you know what the word FAMILY means?

Saturday, March 7, 2009

CMC Vellore 2009 MBBS Entrance Exam MBBS BDS BSc Nursing and PG ...


This bulletin may be downloaded free from the website. It gives essential details to candidates and

helps them in their application for the various degree and other paramedical courses beginning in


FORMS. You are encouraged to apply on-line to avoid errors.


Obtaining prospectus and application forms

Application forms can be accessed on-line through the College website on

and submitted with a basic administrative fee of Rs 500/-. Application forms are available by post from

the Office of the Registrar on payment of Rs.500/-. Applications are also available at selected Head Post

Offices throughout India (check Annexure VII for detailed list of post offices)

Money can be remitted using any of the following methods:

(1) As a chalan at no extra cost at any branch of ICICI bank in India. Please mention FC-CMC-V on the chalan.

(2) Demand draft in favour of "C.M.C. Vellore Association a/c" on any scheduled bank, payable in Vellore.

Send the DD, original payment Chalan or receipt to: Office of the Registrar, CMC, Thorapadi PO,

Vellore - 632 002. State your full postal address with Pin-code. Mention your telephone number and

email address if available. No additional money, stamps or envelopes are required.

Candidates applying from abroad (including SAARC countries) are requested to please see section

on Foreign Nationals and Residents.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Mobile Telephone Numbering System Update


If you get a missed call from unknown mobile no., find out from where you have been called with this table.

'90' Shared '91' Shared Tata Indicom RIM CELLONE '95' Shared '96' Shared '97' Shared '98' Shared '99' Shared
9000 A AP 9100 L AP 9200 MP 9300 MP 9400 -- 9500 A TN 9600 A TN 9700 C AP 9800 A WB 9900 A KN
9001 A RJ 9101 L AS 9201 MP 9301 MP 9401 AS 9501 A PB 9601 A GJ 9701 A AP 9801 A BR 9901 A KN
9002 A WB 9102 L BR 9202 MP 9302 MP 9402 NE 9502 A AP 9602 A RJ 9702 I MU 9802 C HR 9902 A KN
9003 A TN 9103 L DL 9203 MP 9303 MP 9403 MH 9503 A MH 9603 I AP 9703 V AP 9803 C PB 9903 A KO
9004 A MU 9104 L GJ 9204 BR 9304 BR 9404 MH 9504 C BR 9604 I MH 9704 A AP 9804 C KO 9904 I GJ
9005 A UE 9105 L HR 9205 JK 9305 UE 9405 -- 9505 I AP 9605 I KL 9705 I AP 9805 A HP 9905 R BR
9006 A BR 9106 L HP 9206 NE 9306 JK 9406 MP 9506 I UE 9606 R NE 9706 V AS 9806 C MP 9906 A JK
9007 A KO 9107 L JK 9207 AS 9307 UE 9407 MP 9507 I BR 9607 R AS 9707 R AS 9807 C UE 9907 R MP
9008 A KN 9108 L KN 9208 UE 9308 BR 9408 -- 9508 R AS 9608 R BR 9708 I BR 9808 C UW 9908 A AP
9009 I MP 9109 L KL 9209 MH 9309 RJ 9409 -- 9509 R RJ 9609 V WB 9709 V BR 9809 C KL 9909 V GJ
9010 I AP 9110 L KO 9210 DL 9310 DL 9410 UW 9510 R GJ 9610 V RJ 9710 C CH 9810 A DL 9910 A DL
9011 I MH 9111 L MP 9211 DL 9311 DL 9411 UW 9511 W MH 9611 A KN 9711 V DL 9811 V DL 9911 I DL
9012 I UW 9112 L MH 9212 DL 9312 DL 9412 UW 9512 W GJ 9612 A NE 9712 V GJ 9812 I HR 9912 I AP
9013 M DL 9113 L NE 9213 DL 9313 DL 9413 RJ 9513 W KN 9613 C AS 9713 V MP 9813 V HR 9913 V GJ
9014 R AP 9114 L OR 9214 RJ 9314 RJ 9414 RJ 9514 W TN 9614 C WB 9714 I GJ 9814 S PB 9914 S PB
9015 R DL 9115 L PB 9215 HR 9315 HR 9415 UE 9515 W AP 9615 C NE 9715 C TN 9815 A PB 9915 A PB
9016 R GJ 9116 L RJ 9216 PB 9316 PB 9416 HR 9516 W KL 9616 I UE 9716 C DL 9816 A HP 9916 V KN
9017 R HR 9117 L TN 9217 PB 9317 PB 9417 PB 9517 W PB 9617 I MP 9717 A DL 9817 R HP 9917 I UW
9018 R JK 9118 L UE 9218 HP 9318 HP 9418 HP 9518 W HR 9618 A AP 9718 I DL 9818 A DL 9918 V UE
9019 R KN 9119 L UW 9219 UW 9319 UW 9419 JK 9519 W UE 9619 V MU 9719 V UW 9819 V MU 9919 V UE
9020 R KL 9120 L WB 9220 MU 9320 MU 9420 MH 9520 W UW 9620 V KN 9720 V UW 9820 V MU 9920 V MU
9021 R MH 9121 U AS 9221 MU 9321 MU 9421 MH 9521 W RJ 9621 A UE 9721 V UE 9821 L MU 9921 I MH
9022 R MU 9122 U BR 9222 MU 9322 MU 9422 MH 9522 Z MP 9622 A JK 9722 C GJ 9822 I MH 9922 I MH
9023 R PB 9123 U NE 9223 MU 9323 MU 9423 MH 9523 Z BR 9623 I MH 9723 I GJ 9823 V MH 9923 V MH
9024 R RJ 9124 U OR 9224 MU 9324 MU 9424 MP 9524 - -- 9624 I GJ 9724 A GJ 9824 I GJ 9924 I GJ
9025 R TN 9125 U UE 9225 MH 9325 MH 9425 MP 9525 - -- 9625 R HP 9725 A GJ 9825 V GJ 9925 V GJ
9026 R UE 9126 U WB 9226 MH 9326 MH 9426 GJ 9526 - -- 9626 V TN 9726 V GJ 9826 I MP 9926 I MP
9027 R UW 9127 E AS 9227 GJ 9327 GJ 9427 GJ 9527 - -- 9627 V UW 9727 V GJ 9827 R MP 9927 I UW
9028 T MH 9128 E BR 9228 GJ 9328 GJ 9428 GJ 9528 - -- 9628 V UE 9728 I HR 9828 V RJ 9928 A RJ
9029 T MU 9129 E HP 9229 MP 9329 MP 9429 GJ 9529 - -- 9629 A TN 9729 A HR 9829 A RJ 9929 A RJ
9030 T AP 9130 E JK 9230 KO 9330 KO 9430 BR 9530 B ** 9630 A MP 9730 A MH 9830 V KO 9930 V MU
9031 T BR 9131 E NE 9231 KO 9331 KO 9431 BR 9531 B ** 9631 A BR 9731 A KN 9831 A KO 9931 A BR
9032 T DL 9132 E OR 9232 WB 9332 WB 9432 KO 9532 B UE 9632 A KN 9732 V WB 9832 R WB 9932 A WB
9033 T GJ 9133 Y AP 9233 WB 9333 WB 9433 KO 9533 R AP 9633 A KL 9733 V WB 9833 V MU 9933 A WB
9034 T HR 9134 Y AS 9234 BR 9334 BR 9434 WB 9534 V BR 9634 A UW 9734 V WB 9834 - -- 9934 A BR
9035 T HP 9135 Y BR 9235 UE 9335 UE 9435 AS 9535 - -- 9635 A WB 9735 V WB 9835 R BR 9935 A UE
9036 T KN 9136 Y DL 9236 UE 9336 UE 9436 NE 9536 - -- 9636 A RJ 9736 V HP 9836 V KO 9936 A UE
9037 T KL 9137 Y GJ 9237 OR 9337 OR 9437 OR 9537 - -- 9637 V MH 9737 I GJ 9837 I UW 9937 A OR
9038 T KO 9138 Y HR 9238 OR 9338 OR 9438 OR 9538 - -- 9638 V GJ 9738 C KN 9838 V UE 9938 A OR
9039 T MP 9139 Y HP 9239 KO 9339 KO 9439 OR 9539 - -- 9639 I UW 9739 V KN 9839 V UE 9939 A BR
9040 T OR 9140 Y JK 9240 CH 9340 CH 9440 AP 9540 - -- 9640 I AP 9740 A KN 9840 A CH 9940 A CH
9041 T PB 9141 Y KN 9241 KN 9341 KN 9441 AP 9541 - -- 9641 R WB 9741 A KN 9841 C CH 9941 C CH
9042 T RJ 9142 Y KL 9242 KN 9342 KN 9442 TN 9542 - -- 9642 V AP 9742 V KN 9842 C TN 9942 C TN
9043 T TN 9143 Y KO 9243 KN 9343 KN 9443 TN 9543 - -- 9643 - -- 9743 S KN 9843 V TN 9943 V TN
9044 T UE 9144 Y MP 9244 TN 9344 TN 9444 CH 9544 - -- 9644 - -- 9744 I KL 9844 S KN 9944 A TN
9045 T UW 9145 Y MH 9245 TN 9345 TN 9445 CH 9545 - -- 9645 V KL 9745 V KL 9845 A KN 9945 A KN
9046 T WB 9146 Y MU 9246 AP 9346 AP 9446 KL 9546 - -- 9646 V PB 9746 A KL 9846 V KL 9946 V KL
9047 V TN 9147 Y NE 9247 AP 9347 AP 9447 KL 9547 - -- 9647 V WB 9747 I KL 9847 I KL 9947 I KL
9048 V KL 9148 Y OR 9248 AP 9348 AP 9448 KN 9548 - -- 9648 V UE 9748 A KO 9848 I AP 9948 I AP
9049 V MH 9149 Y PB 9249 KL 9349 KL 9449 KN 9549 - -- 9649 V RJ 9749 R WB 9849 A AP 9949 A AP
9050 V HR 9150 Y TN 9250 DL 9350 DL 9450 UE 9550 - -- 9650 A DL 9750 C TN 9850 I MH 9950 A RJ
9051 V KO 9151 Y UE 9251 RJ 9351 RJ 9451 UE 9551 - -- 9651 A UE 9751 V TN 9851 C WB 9951 I AP
9052 V AP 9152 Y UW 9252 RJ 9352 RJ 9452 UE 9552 - -- 9652 A AP 9752 A MP 9852 C BR 9952 A TN
9053 U HR 9153 Y WB 9253 HR 9353 HR 9453 UE 9553 - -- 9653 H PB 9753 I MP 9853 C OR 9953 V DL
9054 U HP 9154 S AP 9254 HR 9354 HR 9454 UE 9554 - -- 9654 V DL 9754 I MP 9854 C AS 9954 A AS
9055 U JK 9155 S DL 9255 HR 9355 HR 9455 UE 9555 - -- 9655 V TN 9755 A MP 9855 S PB 9955 A BR
9056 U PB 9156 S HR 9256 PB 9356 PB 9456 UW 9556 - -- 9656 I KL 9756 I UW 9856 C NE 9956 A UE
9057 U RJ 9157 S MH 9257 PB 9357 PB 9457 UW 9557 - -- 9657 I MH 9757 M MU 9857 C HP 9957 A AS
9058 U UW 9158 V MH 9258 UW 9358 UW 9458 UW 9558 - -- 9658 C OR 9758 V UW 9858 C JK 9958 A DL
9059 U AP 9159 V TN 9259 UW 9359 UW 9459 HP 9559 - -- 9659 C TN 9759 V UW 9859 C AS 9959 A AP
9060 U KN 9160 V AP 9260 TN 9360 TN 9460 RJ 9560 - -- 9660 A RJ 9760 A UW 9860 A MH 9960 A MH
9061 U KL 9161 V UE 9261 TN 9361 TN 9461 RJ 9561 - -- 9661 A BR 9761 V UW 9861 R OR 9961 I KL
9062 U KO 9162 A BR 9262 TN 9362 TN 9462 RJ 9562 - -- 9662 A GJ 9762 C MH 9862 A NE 9962 V CH
9063 D AP 9163 A KO 9263 TN 9363 TN 9463 PB 9563 - -- 9663 A KN 9763 I MH 9863 R NE 9963 A AP
9064 D AS 9164 S KN 9264 TN 9364 TN 9464 PB 9564 - -- 9664 L MU 9764 V MH 9864 R AS 9964 S KN
9065 D BR 9165 I MP 9265 TN 9365 TN 9465 PB 9565 - -- 9665 A MH 9765 V MH 9865 C TN 9965 C TN
9066 D DL 9166 A RJ 9266 TN 9366 TN 9466 HR 9566 - -- 9666 I AP 9766 A MH 9866 A AP 9966 V AP
9067 D GJ 9167 V MU 9267 TN 9367 TN 9467 HR 9567 - -- 9667 Y RJ 9767 I MH 9867 A MU 9967 A MU
9068 D HR 9168 - -- 9268 DL 9368 UW 9468 RJ 9568 - -- 9668 A OR 9768 C MU 9868 M DL 9968 M DL
9069 D HP 9169 - -- 9269 RJ 9369 UE 9469 JK 9569 - -- 9669 I MP 9769 V MU 9869 M MU 9969 M MU
9070 D JK 9170 - -- 9270 MH 9370 MH 9470 BR 9570 - -- 9670 V UE 9770 R MP 9870 L MU 9970 A MH
9071 D KN 9171 U TN 9271 MH 9371 MH 9471 BR 9571 - -- 9671 V HR 9771 A BR 9871 A DL 9971 A DL
9072 D KL 9172 U MU 9272 MH 9372 MH 9472 BR 9572 - -- 9672 V RJ 9772 V RJ 9872 A PB 9972 A KN
9073 D KO 9173 U GJ 9273 MH 9373 MH 9473 ** 9573 - -- 9673 V MH 9773 L MU 9873 V DL 9973 A BR
9074 D MP 9174 U MP 9274 GJ 9374 GJ 9474 WB 9574 - -- 9674 V KO 9774 V NE 9874 V KO 9974 A GJ
9075 D MH 9175 U MH 9275 GJ 9375 GJ 9475 WB 9575 - -- 9675 V UW 9775 V WB 9875 Y RJ 9975 A MH
9076 D MU 9176 V CH 9276 GJ 9376 GJ 9476 -- 9576 - -- 9676 A AP 9776 V OR 9876 A PB 9976 C TN
9077 D NE 9177 A AP 9277 GJ 9377 GJ 9477 -- 9577 - -- 9677 A TN 9777 A OR 9877 H PB 9977 I MP
9078 D OR 9178 A OR 9278 DL 9378 WB 9478 PB 9578 - -- 9678 A AS 9778 R OR 9878 A PB 9978 V GJ
9079 D RJ 9179 A MP 9279 BR 9379 KN 9479 -- 9579 - -- 9679 A WB 9779 A PB 9879 V GJ 9979 V GJ
9080 D TN 9180 B AP 9280 CH 9380 CH 9480 KN 9580 - -- 9680 A RJ 9780 V PB 9880 A KN 9980 A KN
9081 D UE 9181 B AS 9281 CH 9381 CH 9481 KN 9581 - -- 9681 R KO 9781 S PB 9881 I MH 9981 A MP
9082 D UW 9182 B BR 9282 CH 9382 CH 9482 KN 9582 - -- 9682 B UW 9782 C RJ 9882 I HP 9982 V RJ
9083 D WB 9183 B CH 9283 CH 9383 CH 9483 -- 9583 - -- 9683 B HR 9783 V RJ 9883 R KO 9983 V RJ
9084 U DL 9184 B GJ 9284 CH 9384 CH 9484 -- 9584 - -- 9684 B MH 9784 A RJ 9884 V CH 9984 V UE
9085 I AS 9185 B HP 9285 CH 9385 CH 9485 -- 9585 - -- 9685 A MP 9785 I RJ 9885 V AP 9985 V AP
9086 I JK 9186 B JK 9286 UW 9386 BR 9486 TN 9586 - -- 9686 A KN 9786 V TN 9886 V KN 9986 V KN
9087 I KN 9187 B KN 9287 KL 9387 KL 9487 TN 9587 - -- 9687 V GJ 9787 V TN 9887 I RJ 9987 A MU
9088 I KO 9188 B KL 9288 KL 9388 KL 9488 TN 9588 W MU 9688 C TN 9788 C TN 9888 V PB 9988 V PB
9089 I NE 9189 B KO 9289 DL 9389 -- 9489 TN 9589 - -- 9689 I MH 9789 A TN 9889 I UE 9989 A AP
9090 I OR 9190 B MP 9290 AP 9390 AP 9490 AP 9590 R KN 9690 I UW 9790 A TN 9890 A MH 9990 I DL
9091 I PB 9191 B NE 9291 AP 9391 AP 9491 AP 9591 - -- 9691 R MP 9791 A TN 9891 I DL 9991 V HR
9092 I TN 9192 B OR 9292 AP 9392 AP 9492 AP 9592 S PB 9692 R OR 9792 V UE 9892 A MU 9992 I HR
9093 I WB 9193 B PB 9293 AP 9393 AP 9493 AP 9593 V WB 9693 R BR 9793 A UE 9893 A MP 9993 A MP
9094 C CH 9194 B RJ 9294 AP 9394 AP 9494 -- 9594 I MU 9694 I RJ 9794 A UE 9894 A TN 9994 A TN
9095 C TN 9195 B TN 9295 AP 9395 AP 9495 KL 9595 R MH 9695 A UE 9795 I UE 9895 A KL 9995 A KL
9096 A MH 9196 B UE 9296 AP 9396 AP 9496 KL 9596 - -- 9696 R UE 9796 V JK 9896 A HR 9996 A HR
9097 C BR 9197 B WB 9297 AP 9397 AP 9497 KL 9597 - -- 9697 C JK 9797 A JK 9897 A UW 9997 A UW
9098 R MP 9198 A UE 9298 AP 9398 AP 9498 -- 9598 - -- 9698 C TN 9798 R BR 9898 A GJ 9998 A GJ
9099 V GJ 9199 A BR 9299 AP 9399 AP 9499 -- 9599 W DL 9699 R MU 9799 A RJ 9899 V DL 9999 V DL

94730,94732,94734- BSNL- BIHAR
94735 to 94739 - BSNL- Uttar Pradesh(East)
95300 to 95305 - BSNL- Rajasthan
95305 to 95309 - BSNL- Punjab
95310 to 95314 - BSNL- Assam
95315 to 95319 - BSNL- West Bengal


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