
Saturday, December 6, 2008

Mobile Telephone Numbering System

If you get a missed call from unknown mobile no., find out from where you have been called with this table.

'90' Shared '91' Shared Tata Indicom RIM CELLONE '96' Shared '97' Shared '98' Shared '99' Shared
9000 A AP 9100 L AP 9200 MP 9300 MP 9400 -- 9600 A TN 9700 C AP 9800 A WB 9900 A KN
9001 A RJ 9101 L AS 9201 MP 9301 MP 9401 AS 9601 A GJ 9701 A AP 9801 A BR 9901 A KN
9002 A WB 9102 L BR 9202 MP 9302 MP 9402 NE 9602 A RJ 9702 I MU 9802 C HR 9902 A KN
9003 A TN 9103 L DL 9203 MP 9303 MP 9403 MH 9603 I AP 9703 V AP 9803 C PB 9903 A KO
9004 A MU 9104 L GJ 9204 BR 9304 BR 9404 -- 9604 I MH 9704 A AP 9804 C KO 9904 I GJ
9005 A UE 9105 L HR 9205 JK 9305 UE 9405 -- 9605 I KL 9705 I AP 9805 A HP 9905 R BR
9006 A BR 9106 L HP 9206 NE 9306 JK 9406 MP 9606 R NE 9706 V AS 9806 C MP 9906 A JK
9007 A KO 9107 L JK 9207 AS 9307 UE 9407 MP 9607 R AS 9707 R AS 9807 C UE 9907 R MP
9008 A KN 9108 L KN 9208 UE 9308 BR 9408 -- 9608 R BR 9708 I BR 9808 C UW 9908 A AP
9009 I MP 9109 L KL 9209 -- 9309 RJ 9409 -- 9609 V WB 9709 V BR 9809 C KL 9909 V GJ
9010 I AP 9110 L KO 9210 DL 9310 DL 9410 UW 9610 V RJ 9710 C CH 9810 A DL 9910 A DL
9011 I MH 9111 L MP 9211 DL 9311 DL 9411 UW 9611 A KN 9711 V DL 9811 V DL 9911 I DL
9012 I UW 9112 L MH 9212 DL 9312 DL 9412 UW 9612 A NE 9712 V GJ 9812 I HR 9912 I AP
9013 M DL 9113 L NE 9213 DL 9313 DL 9413 RJ 9613 C AS 9713 V MP 9813 V HR 9913 V GJ
9014 R AP 9114 L OR 9214 RJ 9314 RJ 9414 RJ 9614 C WB 9714 I GJ 9814 S PB 9914 S PB
9015 R DL 9115 L PB 9215 HR 9315 HR 9415 UE 9615 C NE 9715 C TN 9815 A PB 9915 A PB
9016 R GJ 9116 L RJ 9216 PB 9316 PB 9416 HR 9616 I UE 9716 C DL 9816 A HP 9916 V KN
9017 R HR 9117 L TN 9217 PB 9317 PB 9417 PB 9617 I MP 9717 A DL 9817 R HP 9917 I UW
9018 R JK 9118 L UE 9218 HP 9318 HP 9418 HP 9618 A AP 9718 I DL 9818 A DL 9918 V UE
9019 R KN 9119 L UW 9219 UW 9319 UW 9419 JK 9619 V MU 9719 V UW 9819 V MU 9919 V UE
9020 R KL 9120 L WB 9220 MU 9320 MU 9420 MH 9620 V KN 9720 V UW 9820 V MU 9920 V MU
9021 R MH 9121 U AS 9221 MU 9321 MU 9421 MH 9621 A UE 9721 V UE 9821 L MU 9921 I MH
9022 R MU 9122 U BR 9222 MU 9322 MU 9422 MH 9622 A JK 9722 C GJ 9822 I MH 9922 I MH
9023 R PB 9123 U NE 9223 MU 9323 MU 9423 MH 9623 I MH 9723 I GJ 9823 V MH 9923 V MH
9024 R RJ 9124 U OR 9224 MU 9324 MU 9424 MP 9624 I GJ 9724 A GJ 9824 I GJ 9924 I GJ
9025 R TN 9125 U UE 9225 MH 9325 MH 9425 MP 9625 R HP 9725 A GJ 9825 V GJ 9925 V GJ
9026 R UE 9126 U WB 9226 MH 9326 MH 9426 GJ 9626 V TN 9726 V GJ 9826 I MP 9926 I MP
9027 R UW 9127 E AS 9227 GJ 9327 GJ 9427 GJ 9627 V UW 9727 V GJ 9827 R MP 9927 I UW
9028 T MH 9128 E BR 9228 GJ 9328 GJ 9428 GJ 9628 V UE 9728 I HR 9828 V RJ 9928 A RJ
9029 T MU 9129 E HP 9229 MP 9329 MP 9429 GJ 9629 A TN 9729 A HR 9829 A RJ 9929 A RJ
9030 T AP 9130 E JK 9230 KO 9330 KO 9430 BR 9630 A MP 9730 A MH 9830 V KO 9930 V MU
9031 T BR 9131 E NE 9231 KO 9331 KO 9431 BR 9631 A BR 9731 A KN 9831 A KO 9931 A BR
9032 T DL 9132 E OR 9232 WB 9332 WB 9432 KO 9632 A KN 9732 V WB 9832 R WB 9932 A WB
9033 T GJ 9133 Y AP 9233 WB 9333 WB 9433 KO 9633 A KL 9733 V WB 9833 V MU 9933 A WB
9034 T HR 9134 Y AS 9234 BR 9334 BR 9434 WB 9634 A UW 9734 V WB 9834 - -- 9934 A BR
9035 T HP 9135 Y BR 9235 UE 9335 UE 9435 AS 9635 A WB 9735 V WB 9835 R BR 9935 A UE
9036 T KN 9136 Y DL 9236 UE 9336 UE 9436 NE 9636 A RJ 9736 V HP 9836 V KO 9936 A UE
9037 T KL 9137 Y GJ 9237 OR 9337 OR 9437 OR 9637 V MH 9737 - -- 9837 I UW 9937 A OR
9038 T KO 9138 Y HR 9238 OR 9338 OR 9438 OR 9638 V GJ 9738 C KN 9838 V UE 9938 A OR
9039 T MP 9139 Y HP 9239 KO 9339 KO 9439 -- 9639 I UW 9739 V KN 9839 V UE 9939 A BR
9040 T OR 9140 Y JK 9240 CH 9340 CH 9440 AP 9640 I AP 9740 A KN 9840 A CH 9940 A CH
9041 T PB 9141 Y KN 9241 KN 9341 KN 9441 AP 9641 R WB 9741 A KN 9841 C CH 9941 C CH
9042 T RJ 9142 Y KL 9242 KN 9342 KN 9442 TN 9642 V AP 9742 V KN 9842 C TN 9942 C TN
9043 T TN 9143 Y KO 9243 KN 9343 KN 9443 TN 9643 Z
9743 S KN 9843 V TN 9943 V TN
9044 T UE 9144 Y MP 9244 TN 9344 KN 9444 CH 9644 Z
9744 I KL 9844 S KN 9944 A TN
9045 T UW 9145 Y MH 9245 TN 9345 TN 9445 CH 9645 V KL 9745 V KL 9845 A KN 9945 A KN
9046 T WB 9146 Y MU 9246 AP 9346 AP 9446 KL 9646 V PB 9746 A KL 9846 V KL 9946 V KL
9047 V TN 9147 Y NE 9247 AP 9347 AP 9447 KL 9647 V WB 9747 I KL 9847 I KL 9947 I KL
9048 V KL 9148 Y OR 9248 AP 9348 AP 9448 KN 9648 V UE 9748 A KO 9848 I AP 9948 I AP
9049 V MH 9149 Y PB 9249 KL 9349 KL 9449 KN 9649 V RJ 9749 R WB 9849 A AP 9949 A AP
9050 V HR 9150 Y TN 9250 DL 9350 DL 9450 UE 9650 A DL 9750 C TN 9850 I MH 9950 A RJ
9051 V KO 9151 Y UE 9251 RJ 9351 RJ 9451 UE 9651 A UE 9751 V TN 9851 C WB 9951 I AP
9052 V AP 9152 Y UW 9252 RJ 9352 RJ 9452 UE 9652 A AP 9752 A MP 9852 C BR 9952 A TN
9053 U HR 9153 Y WB 9253 HR 9353 HR 9453 UE 9653 H PB 9753 I MP 9853 C OR 9953 V DL
9054 U HP 9154 S AP 9254 HR 9354 HR 9454 UE 9654 V DL 9754 I MP 9854 C AS 9954 A AS
9055 U JK 9155 S DL 9255 HR 9355 HR 9455 UE 9655 V TN 9755 A MP 9855 S PB 9955 A BR
9056 U PB 9156 S HR 9256 PB 9356 PB 9456 UW 9656 I KL 9756 I UW 9856 C NE 9956 A UE
9057 U RJ 9157 S MH 9257 PB 9357 PB 9457 UW 9657 I MH 9757 M MU 9857 C HP 9957 A AS
9058 U UW 9158 W AP 9258 UW 9358 UW 9458 UW 9658 C OR 9758 V UW 9858 C JK 9958 A DL
9059 U AP 9159 W DL 9259 UW 9359 UW 9459 HP 9659 C TN 9759 V UW 9859 C AS 9959 A AP
9060 U KN 9160 W GJ 9260 TN 9360 TN 9460 RJ 9660 A RJ 9760 A UW 9860 A MH 9960 A MH
9061 U KL 9161 W HR 9261 TN 9361 TN 9461 RJ 9661 A BR 9761 V UW 9861 R OR 9961 I KL
9062 U KO 9162 W KN 9262 TN 9362 TN 9462 RJ 9662 A GJ 9762 C MH 9862 A NE 9962 V CH
9063 D AP 9163 W KL 9263 TN 9363 TN 9463 PB 9663 A KN 9763 I MH 9863 R NE 9963 A AP
9064 D AS 9164 W MH 9264 TN 9364 TN 9464 PB 9664 L MU 9764 V MH 9864 R AS 9964 S KN
9065 D BR 9165 W MU 9265 TN 9365 TN 9465 PB 9665 A MH 9765 V MH 9865 C TN 9965 C TN
9066 D DL 9166 W PB 9266 TN 9366 TN 9466 HR 9666 I AP 9766 A MH 9866 A AP 9966 V AP
9067 D GJ 9167 W RJ 9267 TN 9367 TN 9467 HR 9667 Y RJ 9767 I MH 9867 A MU 9967 A MU
9068 D HR 9168 W TN 9268 DL 9368 UW 9468 -- 9668 A OR 9768 C MU 9868 M DL 9968 M DL
9069 D HP 9169 W UE 9269 RJ 9369 UE 9469 JK 9669 I MP 9769 V MU 9869 M MU 9969 M MU
9070 D JK 9170 W UW 9270 MH 9370 MH 9470 BR 9670 - -- 9770 R MP 9870 L MU 9970 A MH
9071 D KN 9171 U TN 9271 MH 9371 MH 9471 BR 9671 - -- 9771 A BR 9871 A DL 9971 A DL
9072 D KL 9172 U MU 9272 MH 9372 MH 9472 -- 9672 - -- 9772 V RJ 9872 A PB 9972 A KN
9073 D KO 9173 U GJ 9273 MH 9373 MH 9473 -- 9673 - -- 9773 L MU 9873 V DL 9973 A BR
9074 D MP 9174 U MP 9274 GJ 9374 GJ 9474 WB 9674 - -- 9774 V NE 9874 V KO 9974 A GJ
9075 D MH 9175 U MH 9275 GJ 9375 GJ 9475 WB 9675 - -- 9775 V WB 9875 Y RJ 9975 A MH
9076 D MU 9176 V CH 9276 GJ 9376 GJ 9476 -- 9676 - -- 9776 V OR 9876 A PB 9976 C TN
9077 D NE 9177 A AP 9277 GJ 9377 GJ 9477 -- 9677 - -- 9777 A OR 9877 H PB 9977 I MP
9078 D OR 9178 A OR 9278 DL 9378 WB 9478 -- 9678 - -- 9778 R OR 9878 A PB 9978 V GJ
9079 D RJ 9179 A MP 9279 BR 9379 KN 9479 -- 9679 - -- 9779 A PB 9879 V GJ 9979 V GJ
9080 D TN 9180 B AP 9280 CH 9380 CH 9480 KN 9680 - -- 9780 V PB 9880 A KN 9980 A KN
9081 D UE 9181 B AS 9281 CH 9381 CH 9481 KN 9681 - -- 9781 S PB 9881 I MH 9981 A MP
9082 D UW 9182 B BR 9282 CH 9382 CH 9482 -- 9682 - -- 9782 C RJ 9882 I HP 9982 V RJ
9083 D WB 9183 B CH 9283 CH 9383 CH 9483 -- 9683 - -- 9783 V RJ 9883 R KO 9983 V RJ
9084 U DL 9184 B GJ 9284 CH 9384 CH 9484 -- 9684 - -- 9784 A RJ 9884 V CH 9984 V UE
9085 I AS 9185 B HP 9285 CH 9385 CH 9485 -- 9685 - -- 9785 I RJ 9885 V AP 9985 V AP
9086 I JK 9186 B JK 9286 UW 9386 BR 9486 TN 9686 - -- 9786 V TN 9886 V KN 9986 V KN
9087 I KN 9187 B KN 9287 KL 9387 KL 9487 TN 9687 - -- 9787 V TN 9887 I RJ 9987 A MU
9088 I KO 9188 B KL 9288 KL 9388 KL 9488 TN 9688 - -- 9788 C TN 9888 V PB 9988 V PB
9089 I NE 9189 B KO 9289 -- 9389 -- 9489 -- 9689 - -- 9789 A TN 9889 I UE 9989 A AP
9090 I OR 9190 B MP 9290 AP 9390 AP 9490 AP 9690 - -- 9790 A TN 9890 A MH 9990 I DL
9091 I PB 9191 B NE 9291 AP 9391 AP 9491 AP 9691 - -- 9791 A TN 9891 I DL 9991 V HR
9092 I TN 9192 B OR 9292 AP 9392 AP 9492 AP 9692 - -- 9792 V UE 9892 A MU 9992 I HR
9093 I WB 9193 B PB 9293 AP 9393 AP 9493 AP 9693 - -- 9793 A UE 9893 A MP 9993 A MP
9094 C CH 9194 B RJ 9294 AP 9394 AP 9494 -- 9694 - -- 9794 A UE 9894 A TN 9994 A TN
9095 C TN 9195 B TN 9295 AP 9395 AP 9495 KL 9695 - -- 9795 I UE 9895 A KL 9995 A KL
9096 A MH 9196 B UE 9296 AP 9396 AP 9496 KL 9696 - -- 9796 V JK 9896 A HR 9996 A HR
9097 C BR 9197 B WB 9297 AP 9397 AP 9497 -- 9697 - -- 9797 A JK 9897 A UW 9997 A UW
9098 R MP 9198 A UE 9298 AP 9398 AP 9498 -- 9698 - -- 9798 R BR 9898 A GJ 9998 A GJ
9099 V GJ 9199 A BR 9299 AP 9399 AP 9499 -- 9699 - -- 9799 A RJ 9899 V DL 9999 V DL


Telecom Circles


Cellular Operator

RIM - RELIANCE Communications (CDMA)

Thursday, November 27, 2008

CAT 2008 answers - Top Coaching Institutes differ on some in a recent article informs that Common Admission Test (CAT) for the IIMs, held on November 16, 2008, has managed to fox even the CAT experts !

How else does one explain significant differences amongst the "answer keys" to CAT 08 that have been published by some of India's leading CAT test prep companies like IMS - Mumbai, TIME - Hyderabad, Career Launcher – Delhi and PT Education – Indore. At the time of publishing this article (November 21, 2008 at 8:00 AM), an analysis by of answer keys published by four major test prep companies have shown that answers to as many as nine questions don't match. The questions as per CAT test series number 111 are: 39, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 64, 86 and 90.

Given that just a few wrong answers can impact CAT percentile drastically, MBA aspirants are in a big dilemma over this issue.

Read Complete news on MBA Universe click here

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

CAT 2008 - Views, Analysis and Answer Keys

Highlights :
- Around 270,000 MBA aspirants appeared for the Common Aptitude Test (CAT) across india on Sunday

- Increase in the number of questions. While in the previous years, the number of questions were fixed at 75, this year the examiners had increased it to 90

- Of the 90 questions asked in the Common Admission Test (CAT) held on Sunday, 40 tested the candidates' verbal abilities, 25 data interpretation skills and 25 their skills with numbers.

- Unlike last year, it was a three-hour paper with 30 questions in QA and DI sections and 40 in verbal. Each section was of 100 marks

- There are about 1,800 seats in IIMs and with an additional intake due to the OBC quota, the number of seats are likely to cross the 2,000 mark.

What CAT Experts say :

CAT 2008 was an easier paper, but Data Interpretation tougher: IMS Learning

IMS Learning say that overall CAT 2008 was on "the easier side."

IMS Cut-offs 2008

Quant: 32-35
DI: 32-35
Verbal: 46-49

Overall Cut-Off
1-2 IIM Calls: 120+
3-4 IIM Calls: 130+
5-6 IIM Calls: 140+

"The relative importance of the verbal ability section has increased. Students with good verbal skills will manage to make it to the overall cut-off," said Rahul Reddy, director of TIME Kolkatta

A balanced paper says Career Launcher

Overall, the CAT'08 paper was of a moderate difficulty level. The paper was more balanced than previous years, primarily because of more choices in the English section. There have been an increase in the total number of questions - from 75 to 90, with English section accounting for 40 questions (an increase of 15 from last year) and Quant and DI having 25 questions each.

Indore based PT education believes that there were no big surprises in CAT 2008 and the paper was a well balanced one.

CAT 2008 Answer Keys

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

SBI Clerk Previous Paper 2008

Sbi Clerk Previous Paper 2008

General English

Directions—(Q. 41–55) Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. Certain words are given in bold to help you to locate them while answering some of the questions.
A large majority of the poor in India are outside the formal banking system. The policy of financial inclusion sets out to remedy this by making available a basic banking 'no frills' account either with nil or very minimum balances as well as charges that would make such accounts accessible to vast sections of the population. However, the mere opening of a bank account in the name of every household or adult person may not be enough, unless these accounts and financial services offered to them are used by the account holders. At present, commercial banks do not find it viable to provide services to the poor especially in the rural areas because of huge transaction costs, low volumes of savings in the accounts, lack of information on the account holder, etc. For the poor, interacting with the banks with their paper work, economic costs of going to the bank and the need for flexibility in their accounts, make them turn to other informal channels or other institutions. Thus, there are constraints on both the supply and the demand side.
Till now, banks were looking at these accounts from a purely credit perspective. Instead, they should look at this from the point of view of meeting the huge need of the poor for savings. Poor households want to save and contrary to the common perception, do have the funds to save, but lack control. Informal mutual saving systems like the Rotating Savings and Credit Associations (ROSCAs), widespread in Africa and 'thrift and credit groups' in India demonstrate that poor households save. For the poor household, which lacks access to the formal insurance system and the credit system, savings provide a safety net and help them tide over crises. Savings can also keep them away from the clutches of moneylenders, make formal institutions more favourable to lending to them, encourage investment and make them shift to more productive activities, as they may invest in slightly more risky activities which have an overall higher rate of return.
Research shows the efficacy of informal institutions in increasing the savings of the small account holders. An MFI in the Philippines, which had existing account holders, was studied. They offered new products with 'commitment features'. One type had withdrawal restrictions in the sense that it required individuals to restrict their right to withdraw any funds from their own accounts until they reached a self-specified and documented goal. The other type was deposit options. Clients could purchase a locked box for a small fee. The key was with the bank and the client has to bring the box to the bank to make the deposit. He could not dip into the savings even if he wanted to. These accounts did not pay extra money and were illiquid. Surprisingly, these products were popular even though these had restrictions. Results showed that those who opted for these accounts with restrictions had substantially greater savings rates than those who did not. The policy of financial inclusion can be a success if financial in
clusion focuses on both saving needs and credit needs, having a diversified product portfolio for the poor but recognising that self-control problems need to be addressed by having commitment devices. The products with commitment features should be optional. Furthermore transaction costs for the poor could be cut down, by making innovative use of technology available and offering mobile vans with ATM and deposit collection features which could visit villages periodically.
41. What is the aim of the financial inclusion policy ?
(A) A focus on savings needs rather than credit needs of the poor
(B) Minimising utilisation of technology in banks so as to reduce transaction costs for the poor
(C) To boost low savings volumes in banks by encouraging savings among the rural poor
(D) To make formal basic banking services available to the poor
(E) To regulate the rate at which moneylenders lend to the poor
42. The author's main objective in writing the passage is to—
(A) Criticise the concept of financial inclusion
(B) Point out the problems of financial inclusion
(C) Discuss ways of making the financial inclusion policy successful
(D) Compare financial inclusion policies of different countries
(E) Cite research in support of role of MFIs in achieving financial inclusion
43. Which of the following can be inferred about products with commitment features ?
1. Demand for such products was high.
2. They were an effective means of increasing the savings of small account holders.
3. Such facilities can only be offered by informal institutions like MFIs.
(A) All 1, 2 and 3 (B) Only 2
(C) Both 1 and 2 (D) Both 1 and 3
(E) None of these
44. Why do the poor not utilise banking services ?
1. Informal institutions offer higher rates of interest than those in banks.
2. Costs of reaching banks have to be borne by the poor.
3. Bank personnel do not treat the poor respectfully because their savings amounts are minimal.
(A) Only 2 (B) Both 1 and 2
(C) Both 2 and 3 (D) All 1, 2, and 3
(E) None of these
45. Which of the following is a recommendation made by the author regarding financial inclusion ?
(A) Reduce the paper work involved by seeking less information about the account holder
(B) Lower transaction costs by utilising latest technology.
(C) Make commitment features compulsory for all savings accounts
(D) Entrust the responsibility of financial inclusion solely to MFIs
(E) Provide credit facilities even to those without savings accounts
46. Which of the following factors affects 'saving' behaviour among the poor ?
1. Threats from moneylenders if they avail of banking services.
2. Documentation required before availing of banking services.
3. Lack of self-control.
(A) Only 1 (B) All 1, 2 and 3
(C) Only 3 (D) Both 2 and 3
(E) None of these
47. What do the results of the study conducted in the Philippines indicate ?
(A) Account holders in MFIs have higher savings rates than banks
(B) Many of the poor have to turn to moneylenders because of strict restrictions in MFIs
(C) Having accounts with restriction on withdrawal requires the bank to offer a higher rate of interest
(D) There should be strong security measures for deposit option accounts for the poor
(E) None of these
48. Which of the following is true in the context of the passage ?
(A) There are no informal means for the poor to save in India
(B) Having savings encourages the poor to invest only in low risk ventures
(C) There is a huge demand for savings facilities among poor households
(D) Presently commercial banks feel that it is feasible to provide banking services to the poor in rural areas
(E) There are many official innovative savings systems like roscas in Africa
49. What is/are the outcome(s) of encouraging savings for the poor ?
1. It frees them from the exploitation of moneylenders.
2. Banks are more willing to disburse loans to those who save.
3. They should invest in risky but high return ventures.
(A) Only 1
(B) Both 1 and 2
(C) Only 3
(D) All 1, 2 and 3
(E) None of these
50. What was the view of banks regarding the bank accounts of the poor in the past ?
(A) They were considered a problem since account holders information needed to be updated constantly
(B) Focus should be more on providing savings facilities not credit
(C) Moneylenders should be regulated so that they share responsibility of disbursing loans to the poor
(D) Products with commitment features will not be successful
(E) None of these
Directions—(Q. 51–53) Choose the word which is most nearly the same in meaning as the word printed in bold as used in the passage.
51. purely :
(A) morally
(B) honestly
(C) completely
(D) perfectly
(E) cleanly
52. demonstrate :
(A) protest
(B) occur
(C) estimate
(D) appear
(E) prove
53. remedy :
(A) medicine
(B) solve
(C) restore
(D) therapy
(E) heal
Directions—(Q. 54-55) Choose the word which is most opposite in meaning of the word printed in bold as used in the passage.
54. optional :
(A) voluntary
(B) compromise
(C) pressure
(D) mandatory
(E) free
55. accessible :
(A) convenient
(B) unavailable
(C) unfavourable
(D) unpleasant
(E) formal
Directions—(Q. 56–65) Read each sentence to find out whether there is any error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The letter of that part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is (E). (Ignore errors of punctuation, if any).
56. The scheme failed because / some states could not / manage not to raise / the necessaryfunds. No error. (A) (B) (C) (D) (E)
57. Real estate prices in the / business district of the city / are expected to rise / at 15% this year. No error (A) (B) (C) (D) (E)
58. By so early as next year / that leading investment bank / has plans to open / an office in New Delhi. No error
(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)
59. There is lots of / supports from the employees / for the proposal to / merge with the parent company. No error
(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)
60. Experts have recommended that / the government reconsidered / restrictions imposed on foreign / investment in real estate. No error
(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)
61. The crucial point to / be discussed at the / meetings is how to / well implement the policy.No error
(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)
62. He wants to / set up a laboratory / to undertake research / into a vaccine for cancer. No error
(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)
63. According to him / two factors which are / needy for success / are discipline and diligence. No error
(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)
64. Because of the pace at / which the company is growing / I believe it will easily / achieve their target. No error
(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)
65. It is truth / that India is / the largest consumer of / gold in the world. No error
(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)
Directions—(Q. 66–70) Which of the phrases (A), (B), (C) and (D) given below should replace the phrase given in bold in the following sentence to make the sentence grammatically meaningful and correct. If the sentence is correct as it is and 'No correction is required', mark (E) as the answer.
66. The bank is overstaffed, has led to low productivity.
(A) Led to (B) Will lead towards
(C) And has led in (D) Which has led to
(E) No correction required
67. You delay in taking a decision conveys a negative impression.
(A) You delay to take
(B) If you delay taking
(C) Your delay in taking
(D) To delay by taking
(E) No correction required
68. Today management student itself are opted to work for NGOs even though the salaries offered to them are low.
(A) Student itself is
(B) Students themselves are
(C) Students have
(D) Student himself has
(E) No correction required
69. Absence off any guidelines, they are unwilling to take up the project.
(A) Absent of
(B) In the absence of
(C) Because of the absence
(D) Without being absent
(E) No correction required
70. Without the development of rural people the country can no claim to be developed.
(A) Can never claim
(B) Being claimed
(C) Not able to claim
(D) Have not any claim
(E) No correction required
Directions—(Q. 71–75) In each question below a sentence with four words printed in bold type is given. These are lettered as (A), (B), (C) and (D). One of these four words printed in bold may be either wrongly spelt or inappropriate in the context of the sentence. Find out the word, which is wrongly spelt or inappropriate, if any. The number of that word is your answer. If all the words printed in bold are correctly spelt and also appropriate in the context of the sentence, mark (E) i.e.. 'All Correct' as your answer.
71. The organization preferred to hire locale population as they understood the language and customer preferences. All Correct
(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)
72. In our opinion the exicting assessment system requires immediate revision.All Correct
(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)
73. In responds to the advertisement a sizeable number of candidates have submitted their applications. All Correct
(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)
74. There is no guarantee that if this model is adopted the entire sector will prosper.All Correct
(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)
75. With this unique initiative the company hopes to sustain its current growth rate. All Correct
(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)
Directions—(Q. 76–80) In each of the following sentences there are two blank spaces. Below each five pairs of words have been denoted by letters (A), (B), (C), (D) and (E). Find out which pair of words can be filled up in the blanks in the sentence in the same sequence to make the sentence meaningfully complete.

76. Mr. Srinivasan is …… to become Chairman of the group …… the retirement of his father.
(A) set, following
(B) voted, subsequent
(C) selected, despite
(D) approved, because
(E) decided, after
77. …… to your error the …… consignment has been delayed by a week.
(A) According, important
(B) Duly, urgent
(C) Owing, entire
(D) Added, crucial
(E) Admitting, special
78. On account of the …… in sales the software firm has achieved an eight percent …… in net profit.
(A) surge, fall (B) increase, rise
(C) decline, slope (D) hike, loss
(E) growth, advance
79. We are proud to say that today …… 26 percent of our total accounts are …… by women and senior citizens.
(A) approximate, held
(B) nearly, authorised
(C) over, maintain
(D) above, open
(E) around, operated
80. The company has …… special training to employees on …… to trade online.
(A) announced, benefits
(B) offered, course
(C) imparted, risks
(D) sanction, skills
(E) provided, how
Answewrs With Explanation :
41. (d) 42. (c) 43. (d) 44. (a) 45. (b)
46. (d) 47. (a) 48. (c) 49. (b) 50. (e)
51. (c) 52. (E) 53. (b) 54. (d) 55. (b)
56. (c) In C part not is redundant.
57. (e)
58. (A) Change 'so' to 'as'.
59. (a) Change 'is' to 'are' because the subject is plural 'lots of support'.
60. (b) Change 'reconsidered' to 'reconsider or should reconsider' because of parallelism of the two sentences.
61. (d) Change the position of adverb 'well', it should be used in the end of the sentence.
62. (e)
63. (c) Change 'needy' to 'needed' here we require a verb.
64. (d) Change 'their' to 'its' because its subject is singular.
65. (A) Change 'truth' to 'true' or 'a truth'.
66. (d) 67. (c) 68. (c) 69. (B) 70. (a)
71. (b) Change 'locale' to 'local' here we want an adjective.
72. (a) Change 'exicting' to 'existing'. Exciting is not appropriate.
73. (a) Change 'responds' to 'response'.
74. (e) Change 'adopted' to 'adapted'.
75. (d) Change 'currant' to 'current'.
76. (a) 77. (c) 78. (b) 79. (e) 80. (E)

SBI CLERK SOLVED PAPER (Held on 06-01-2008)

SBI CLERK SOLVED PAPER (Held on 06-01-2008)

(General Awareness)

1. Which of the following Departments of the Govt. of India is helping banks in disbursement of rural credit by the bank ?
(A) Railways
(B) State Road Transpots
(C) Post and Telegraph
(D) Ministry of Health
(E) None of these
Ans (E)
2. Which of the following organization/agencies has established a fund known as "Investor production fund" ?
(C) Bombay Stock Exchange
(E)None of these
Ans (C)
3.Who amongst the following is the Head of the RBI at present ?
(A) Mr. M.V.Kamath
(B) Mr. Y.V.Reddy
(C) Mr. N.R.Narayanmurthy
(D) Mr.O.P.Bhatt
(E)None of these
Ans (B)
4. Mjority of rural people still prefer to go to which of the following for their credit needs ?
(A) Money lenders
(B) Foreign Bankers
(E) None of these
Ans (A)
5. india has different categories of commercial banks.Which of the following is NOT one such categories ?
(A) Private Banks
(B) Commodities Banks
(C) Nationalized Banks
(D) Cooperative Banks
(E) Foreign Banks
Ans (B)
6.Which of the following types of Banks are allowed to operate foreign currency accounts ?
(1) Foreign Banks
(2) Regional Rural Banks
(3) Nationalized Banks
(A) Only i
(B) Only 2
(C) Only 3
(D) All 1,2and 3
(E) None of these
Ans (C)
7. Which of the following countries does not play International Cricket ?
(A) Russia
(B) England
(C) South Africa
(D) Pakistan
(E) India
Ans (A)
8. The money which Govt. of India spends on the development of infrastructure in country comes from the which of the following sources ?
[Pick up the correct Statement(s)]
(1) Loan from World Bank/ADB etc
(2) Taxws collected from the people
(3) Loan from the RBI
(A) Only 1
(B) Only 2
(C) Only 3
(D) Both 1 and 2
(E) All 1,2 and 3
Ans (E)
9. The Securities and Exchange Board Of India (SEBI) recently imposed a restriction on money flow in equity through 'P Notes'. What is the full form of 'P Notes' ?
(A) Permanent Notes
(B) Perchase Notes
(C) Participatory-Notes
(D) Private Notes
(E) None of these
Ans (C)
10. Who amongst the following was the captain of the India cricket team who won thw Twenty-20 World Cup-2007 ?
(A) Yuvraj Singh
(B) M.S.Dhoni
(C) Rahul Dravid
(D) Saurav Ganguly
(E) None of these
Ans (B)
11. Mnay times we read in financial news paper about 'FII'.What is the full form of 'FII'?
(A) Final Investment in India
(B) Foreign Investment in India
(C) Formal Investment in India
(D) Fair Institutional Investment
(E) Foreign Institutional Investment
Ans (E)
12. Benazir Bhutto Is associated with which of the following parties
(A) Muslim League
(B) Pakistan Peoples Party
(C) Pakistan National Congress(D) Islamic Movement of Pakistan
(E) None of these
Ans (B)
13. One of the former prime ministers of which of the following countries was detained in house arrest for a short period after his/her returns from a long exile ?
(A) Germany
(B) France
(C) Pakistan
(D) Brazil
(E) None of these
Ans (C)
14. Who amongst the following leaders from USA visited Isarael and Palestinian West Bank so that a solution to the Isarael and palestinian problem can be worked out ?
(A) George Bush
(B) Al Gore
(C) Bill Clinton
(D) Condeleeza Rice
(E) None of these
Ans (A)
15. Justine Henin Won the women's singles US Open Tennis Championship-2007 After defeating -
(A) Swetlana Kuznetsova
(B) Sania Mirza
(C) Dinara Safina
(D) Mathalie Dechy
(E) None of these
Ans (A)
16. As reported in papers the UN World Food Programmes stoped distributing food in Mogadishu Town after its local head was abducted by the Govt. soldiers of the country.Mogadishu is the capital town of-
(A) Tanzania
(B) Turkey
(C) Cuba
(D) Libya
(E) Somalia
Ans (E)
17. The financial markets of the which of the following countries were badly affected by sub-prime crisis ?
(A) Russia
(B) Brazil
(C) UK
(E)None of these
Ans (D)
18. which of the following countries in the world is the biggest consumer of gold ?
(B) Bangladesh
(C) Russia
(D) India
(E) None of these
Ans (D)
19. which of the following countries is NOT happy with the USA's decision to award a cogressional Medal to Dalai Lama Oof Tibet ?
(A) India
(B) Pakistan
(C) Nepal
(D) Myanmar
(E) China
Ans (E)
20. which of the following countries recently decided to launch a military action in Northern Iraq where many Kurdish PKK fighters are based and they are killed people from that country ?
(A) India
(B) Afghanistan
(C) Pakistan
(D) Bangladesh
(E) Turkey
Ans (E)
21. Dr. Mnamohan SAingh called George Bush to explain the difficulties he is having in implementing agreements related with which of the following with USA ?
(A) Suply of sugar
(B) Civilian nuclear Co-operation
(C) Purchase of fighter planes
(D) Purchase of Gas / Petroleum
(E) None of these
Ans (B)
22. which of the following countries is facing a problem of strike by the workers of the transport ,electricity and gas companies as the present govt. of the country has decided to end the pension to these workerss ?
(B) France
(C) China
(D) Nepal
(E) None of these
Ans (B)
23. Who amongst the following is the Secretary General Of UNO ?
(A) Al Gore
(B) Shashi Tharoor
(C) Gordon Drown
(D) Hugo Chavez
(E) None of these
Ans (E)
24. The "Orange Coalition Govt" was formed once again in which of the following countries ?
(A) Russia
(B) Ukraine
(C) France
(D) Germany
(E) None of these
Ans (B)
25. which of the following countries is NOT elected by the the UN general assembly on the non-payment seats of UN security council w.e.f. January 2008 ?
(A) Libya
(B) Vietnam
(C) Croatia
(D) Costa Rica
(E) Pakistan
Ans (E)
26. The Govt. of India put a ban on export of which of the following commodities at the price below the price of the same in domestic market ?
(A) Steel
(B) Chemical Fertilizer
(C) Pharma Products
(D) Electronic Goods
(E) None of these
Ans (E)
27. India Launched which of the following Satellites in September 2007 ?
(E) None of these
Ans (D)
28. As per the recent agreement between India and one of other country the iNdia Rupee can be easily swapped with -
(A) Tak
(B) Rial
(C) Kyat
(D) Yen
(E) Rubbel
Ans (E)
29. India won the ONGC Cup Football Tounament 2007 by beating-
(A) Syria
(B) Pakistan
(C) Britain
(D) France
(E) None of these
Ans (A)
30. Abdullah Gul's name was in news recently as he he has taken over as the president of -
(A) Turkey
(B) Sudan
(C) Afghanistan
(D) Pakistan
(E) None of these
Ans (A)
31. Hem Dutta who was honoured gy the prestigious Rajiv Gandhi National Sadbhawana Award 2007 is famous-
(A) Author
(B) Social Activist
(C) Player
(D) Film Producer
(E) Scientist
Ans (B)
32. Who amongst the following is selected for Basawa Award (2006-07) by the Karnataka Government ?
(A) Dr. Manmohan Singh
(B) A.P.J.Abdul Kalam
(C) Sonia Gandhi
(D) Pratibha Patil
(E) None of these
Ans (B)
33. Asia Pacific Economic Business meet was organized in September 2007 in -
(A) New Delhi
(B) Beijing
(C) Tokyo
(D) London
(E) Sydney
Ans (E)
34. The World Athletics Championship-2007 was organized in -
(A) Beijing
(B) New Delhi
(C) Osaka
(D) Dhaka
(E) London
Ans (C)
35. Who amongst the following was the captain of the Indian Hockey Team who won Asia Cup 2007 held in Chennai ?
(A) Baichung Bhutia
(B) Dilip Tirkey
(C) Pnkaj Adwani
(D) Manavjeet Singh Sandhu
(E) None of these
Ans (E)
36. Which of the following is a Public Sector Unit ?
(B) ICICI Bank
(E) All of these
Ans (D)
37. India's foreign exchange reserve declined sharply in recent past. What was the main reason for the same ?
(A) Heavy demand of the same by foreign tourists
(B) Import of Wheat from Pakistan and S.Korea
(C) Appreciation of Rupee Value
(D) Instability in coalition Govt. in centre
(E) None of these
Ans (C)
38. Sinzo Abe who was on visit to India in recent past is the -
(A) Prime Minister of South Korea
(B) Prime Minister of North Korea
(C) Prime Minister of Japan
(D) President of South Korea
(E) None of these
Ans (C)
39. Asafa Powel who created a new world record in 100 metres race is a citizen of -
(A) Jamaica
(B) South Africa
(C) India
(E) south Korea
Ans (A)
40. Who amongst the following got third position in long Jump event of the Bayer International Athletics held in Germany in 2007 ?
(A) Shiny Wilson
(B) Anju Bobby George
(C) Neha Sanwal
(D) Prajakta Sawant
(E) None of these
Ans (B)

State Bank of India Clerical Cadre Recruitment Exam 2008 Solved Paper

State Bank of India Clerical Cadre Recruitment Exam 2008 Solved Paper

Marketing Aptitude / Computer Knowledge

161. Cross-selling covers—
(A) Identifying customer needs
(B) Matching the Products to customer needs
(C) Convincing the customers of Product benefits
(D) Responding to questions and objections of customers
(E) All of these
162. A Prospect means—
(A) Any customer who walks into the Bank
(B) An employee of the Bank
(C) A customer who is likely to be interested in Bank's Product or service
(D) A Depositor of the Bank
(E) A Borrower of the Bank
163. A Lead means—
(A) A Prospect who is more likely to avail of the Bank's Product
(B) A Political Leader
(C) A Religious Leader
(D) A Bank Chairman
(E) None of these 164. Innovation means—
(A) Compensation
(B) Inspiration
(C) Additional perquisites
(D) Implementing new ideas or new methods
(E) None of these
165. A Call means—
(A) Calling on friends
(B) Calling on Bank employees
(C) Calling on Prospective customers
(D) To make telephone calls
(E) Calling on relatives
166. The Traditional Marketing style involves—
(A) Telemarketing
(B) Digital Marketing
(C) Indirect Marketing
(D) Direct Marketing
(E) All of these
167. Modern methods of Marketing include—
(A) Publicity on the net
(B) Advertisement on the net
(C) Soliciting business through e-mails
(D) Telemarketing
(E) All of these
168. A true marketing mindset requires—
(A) Command and order mindset
(B) Control mindset
(C) Active mindset
(D) Passive mindset
(E) None of these
169. Which of the following sentences is True ?
(A) Marketing is not required in a Buyers' Market
(B) Marketing is not required in a Sellers' Market
(C) Marketing is not required due to globalization
(D) Marketing is not required due to competition
(E) Marketing is not required due to liberalization
170. For effective marketing, the salesmen should have which of these qualities—
(A) Creativity
(B) Team spirit
(C) Motivation
(D) Effective communication skills
(E) All of these
171. Market information means—
(A) Knowledge of shops and bazaars
(B) Knowledge of shopping malls
(C) Knowledge of customer profile and product mix
(D) Knowledge of various languages
(E) None of these
172. Market Research is needed for—
(A) Deciding the market area
(B) Deciding the right product to be sold
(C) Making proper marketing decisions
(D) Deciding right time to sell
(E) All of these
173. Which of the following statements is True ?
(A) Marketing makes the Company to go into loss due to higher expenses
(B) Marketing is not required in profit-making companies
(C) Marketing sharpens the minds of the employees
(D) Marketing is a time-bound seasonal function
(E) Marketing is a waste of time
174. Marketing Plan helps in—
(A) Better lead generation
(B) Better systems
(C) Better results
(D) Improved Balance Sheet
(E) Better customer service
175. If Marketing is done effectively, which of the following is not required—
(A) Advertisement
(B) Publicity
(C) Market Research
(D) Market Segmentation
(E) None of these
176. Motivation means—
(A) Inspiring employees to perform better
(B) Better Communication Skills
(C) Sales coaching
(D) Market Research
(E) None of these
177. In a Selling Process in today's world—
(A) Only standard products are sold
(B) No customization required
(C) The Seller need not have product knowledge
(D) The Seller should aim at customer satisfaction
(E) Only quantum of sales matters
178. Find the True statement—
(A) Marketing is a waste of the employees' time
(B) Marketing is not required in India due to its vast population
(C) Marketing involves additional work
(D) Marketing involves team work
(E) Marketing is not required today due to IT advancement
179. A Target Market is—
(A) Entire country
(B) Entire city
(C) Entire globe
(D) That which consists of customers who need the identified product
(E) All of these
180. Sales forecasting involves—
(A) Sales Planning
(B) Sales pricing
(C) Distribution Channels
(D) Consumer tastes
(E) All of these
181. How many options does a binary choice offer ?
(A) None
(B) One
(C) Two
(D) It depends on the amount of memory in the computer
(E) It depends on the speed of the computer's processor
182. Data going into the computer is called—
(A) Output
(B) Algorithm
(C) Input
(D) Calculations
(E) Flowchart
183. How many values can be represented by a single byte ?
(A) 4
(B) 16
(C) 64
(D) 256
(E) 512
184. Transformation of input into output is performed by—
(A) Peripherals
(B) Memory
(C) Storage
(D) The Input-Output unit
(E) The CPU
185. Device drivers are—
(A) Tiny power cords for external storage devices
(B) Experts who know how to maximize the performance of devices
(C) Small, special-purpose programs
(D) The innermost part of the operating system
(E) Substitutes for operating system
186. A collection of programs that controls how your computer system runs and processes information is called—
(A) Operating system
(B) Computer
(C) Office
(D) Compiler
(E) Interpreter
187. Which of the following refers to a small, single-site network ?
188. A set of instructions telling the computer what to do is called—
(A) Mentor(B) Instructor
(C) Compiler(D) Program
(E) Debugger
189. If you receive an e-mail from someone you don't know, what should you do ?
(A) Forward it to the police immediately
(B) Delete it without opening it
(C) Open it and respond to them saying you don't know them
(D) Reply and ask them for their personal information
(E) Reply and tell them you want to keep in touch with them
190. Which of the following can handle most system functions that aren't handled directly by the operating system ?
(A) Vertical-market applications
(B) Utilities
(C) Algorithms
(D) Integrated software
(E) Compilers
191. Microsoft Office is—
(A) Shareware
(B) Public-domain software
(C) Open-source software
(D) A vertical-market application
(E) An application suite
192. Computers connected to a LAN (Local Area Network) can—
(A) Run faster
(B) Go on line
(C) Share information and/or share peripheral equipment
(D) E-mail
(E) None of these
193. Which of the following refers to the memory in your computer ?
194. Information travels between components on the motherboard through—
(A) Flash memory (B) CMOS
(C) Bays (D) Buses
(E) Peripherals
195. One megabyte equals approximately—
(A) 1,000 bits
(B) 1,000 bytes
(C) 1 million bytes
(D) 1 million bits
(E) 2,000 bytes
196. When you are working on a document on a PC, where is the document temporarily stored ?
(C) The CPU
(D) Flash memory
(E) The CD-ROM
197. How are data organized in a spreadsheet ?
(A) Lines and spaces
(B) Layers and planes
(C) Height and width
(D) Rows and columns
(E) None of these
198. Magnetic tape is not practical for applications where data must be quickly recalled because tape is—
(A) A random-access medium
(B) A sequential-access medium
(C) A read-only medium
(D) Fragile and easily damaged
(E) An expensive storage medium
199. The blinking symbol on the computer screen is called the—
(A) Mouse
(B) Logo
(C) Hand
(D) Palm
(E) Cursor
200. When cutting and pasting, the item cut is temporarily stored in—
(B) Hard drive
(C) Diskette
(D) Dashboard
(E) Clipboard
Answers 161.(B) 162. (C) 163. (A) 164. (D)
165.(C) 166. (C) 167. (E) 168. (A)
169.(B) 170. (E) 171. (C) 172. (E)
173.(E) 174. (E) 175. (B) 176. (A)
177.(D) 178. (D) 179. (D) 180. (E)
181.(C) 182. (C) 183. (E) 184. (E)
185.(D) 186. (B) 187. (A) 188. (D)
189.(B) 190. (A) 191. (E) 192. (C)
193.(A) 194. (D) 195. (C) 196. (A)
197.(D) 198. (E) 199. (E) 200. (E)